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Dragon Realms (iOS/Android) Tips and Tricks Guide: Hints, Cheats and Strategies

Dragon Realms is a new strategy RPG by GREE Funzio for the iOS and Android. The look of the game will instantly be familiar to anyone who has played Crime City, Kingdom Age or previous GREE Funzio games (or Crime City ripoff extroardinare Mafia Wars 2), but the formula makes for a fresh game every time. This time, you lead an army from one of four factions in a medieval/fantasy settings, and your goal is to quest through a number of single player zones, build up your kingdom, and battle against other players for dominance.

Achieve mastery on the single player missions by increasing your attack power, and do this with smart use of evolution and leveling up. The more attack power that you have, the more NPCs and buildings you’ll be able to attack and kill in one single shot, as opposed to having to waste 2 or 3 energy points on it.

Building up your team is crucial to dominance in the multiplayer mode, and will help you achieve mastery at single player stages that much more quickly. Once you hit experience level five, you unlock both evolution and leveling up. Evolve your common/dropped heroes to the maximum level immediately to power them up and make them useful. However, don’t rush on evolving your rare heroes, since you can have duplicate heroes on your team at the same time.

Once your team is completely filled up, start using dropped common heroes as sacrifices to level up your rare heroes, in order to massively increase their statistics. Rare heroes’ stats increase far more quickly than common heroes’ stats, so by upgrading your main heroes you put yourself in a position to easily win multiplayer games, and to beat any enemy in single player mode in one hit (thereby using less energy and achieving mastery more quickly).

Want to find more allies? There’s no way to search for allies within the game, but go to the app store review page and search through reviews, or through Facebook fan pages, in order to find poeple to add. You can post your friend code in any of those places, or in the comments page in this article, in order to find allies quickly.

When you’re picking someone to fight in the versus battle mode, a good general rule is to pick someone who is at the same level as you or lower. Higher level players will beat you almost every time, but you can rack up quick winning streaks (and rewards) by knowing which battles to pick.