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CSR Classics: Wiki, Walkthrough, FAQ and Beginner’s Guide, Part 2

Welcome to part two of the CSR Classics beginners guide! Click here to go back to part one of the guide.

Continuing with the different types of races, there’s the ladder races. Ladder races can be raced over and over, and each time you race, the opponent gets slightly tougher to beat and the prize money increases slightly. Towards the end of the ladders you’ll enter the quarter finals, then the semi finals, and finally, the finals. The three final rounds will earn you SUBSTANTIALLY more prize money than the normal ladder rounds will.

Restriction challenges will require you to run without a certain upgrade (for example, no tire upgrades or no NOS). Daily challenges will give you a loaner car to race in just for that race. Concourse challenges are events which only fully-restored cars can participate in.

Crew races, of course, are the difficult challenges against the bosses of various tiers, and their underlings. You’ll race against five underlings, one at a time, and then after you complete races against those five, you’ll race against the final crew boss of the tier three separate times before you can move onto the next tier. The last race is the most lucrative, as this is the one where you can earn 20 gold as well as a gigantic amount of coins (which will help you to buy a car from the next tier).

After the last race, the boss will challenge you to a final optional side race, in which you can bet the 20 gold that you just won, in order to win the boss’s car. If you lose, you will lose the 20 gold but if you win, you win the boss’s car. once you have the boss’s car you won’t be able to add any extra upgrades to it at all, but it will already be fast enough to get through most of the next tier without doing any further modifications or spending any further money.

Each race that you run will cost you 1 gas, except for the crew races, which cost 2 gas apiece. Once you run out of gas, you can either wait for it to come back, or tap on the gas counter to earn some free gas by watching short ad videos, or by connecting the game to Facebook or Twitter, or by sending off tweets from the middle of the game.

Click here to continue on to part three of the CSR Classics beginner’s guide!