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Pocket Knights: VIP Status and Rewards Guide – How to get free VIP status

Just like when you’re rolling into a nightclub, having VIP status adds to the fun that you can have in Pocket Knights; however, VIP status costs money, just like in those very same nightclubs. There’s no bottle service here, but there’s a complete avalanche of rewards that you get when you reach VIP, rewards that make it worth it to buy diamonds even when you already have plenty. Or, you can just go for free VIP status. Read on to find out how!

There is more than one way to get VIP benefits. Spending money to get them is the obvious solution, but go to the “Checkin” icon and go to the offers tab and you will be able to earn free diamonds using the offers. All of them will count as refills, too, so they count towards your VIP level. Plus, if you use a VIP EXP card you will increase your VIP experience, as long as the current VIP experience is not below 80% of what is required to gain a VIP level.

The game will tell you what the benefit of every VIP level is, and there are up to ten VIP levels. The biggest benefit is the increase in salary, which doesn’t make too much of a difference until VIP level three and beyond. At that point, the diamond portion of your salary will increase from 5 per collection to 10 per collection. At VIP5, your claim goes up to 20 diamonds per day. This essentially allows you to earn back all of what you had spent on diamonds, and then some. From VIP8 on, this becomes 30 diamonds per day.

The next great benefit occurs if you are a regular store shopper. You can only purchase action points twice per day to begin with, but this gradually increases all the way up from 4x per day at VIP2 to 40x per day at VIP10. Other frequent purchases, such as energy, can be purchased more frequently as well.

Other benefits are a little bit more scattershot. You can complete more bounty quests per day once you hit level 7 on, and the amount of friends that you will be able to add will increase as your VIP level rises. You will earn experience bonuses that increase as you go on, and you will be able to purchase more recruitment slots for your main party. Plus, there are a bevy of VIP gift packs which can be claimed as you go on. You will even be able to reduce cool down time in the arena, skip boss battles in the tower and on the world map, and at VIP10 you will be able to send global messages to every single player of the game.

The rewards of each VIP level will carry over to the higher ones, unless they are superseded – for example, the new salary will not carry over from VIP2 to VIP3, 4, or whatever, since every VIP level higher has its own salary bonuses. However, anything that isn’t specifically overridden by a higher VIP level, will carry over, allowing for maximum bonuses.