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Pocket Knights: FAQ, Walkthrough, Wiki and Beginner’s Guide, Part 3

Welcome to part three of the Pocket Knights beginner’s guide! Click here to go back to part two of the guide.

Many other unlockables will come along later, as well. The Alchemy Lab will allow you to transmute random gems in order to earn gold. Under the recruit screen, you can either recruit available candidates, or steal another potential worker from a different player who is their boss. When you beat someone, you become their boss and you can send them out to hunt for gold and other prizes for you under the “Actions” tab. Under Challenge, you can absolve your friends of their work by beating your friends’ boss.

The Hero’s Gate is unlocked at level 45, as is the market. The hero’s gate will allow you to join in or create team battles. It’s your team against multiple other players’ teams, and if you win, you get substantial rewards. You’ll unlock new gates when your level hits a multiple of 10. The Market will allow you to buy items using booster gems, courage gems and other goods that you pick up during battles.

The final thing that you can unlock on your map screen is the Hidden Training area, which will allow you to use many of the random gems that you unlock later on in order to power up your heroes even further. That’s all for the unlockables on the map, but there are far more within the menus.

At level 65, you will be able to evolve any of the gear that you want to, just like you evolve the heroes. At level 50, you will be able to start earning runes in the castle, which can then be equipped on your heroes’ equipment to increment their power even further. Plus, as you gain levels you will be able to add more and more characters to your party, maxing out at 6 characters.

Beyond all of this, there’s even more that’s somewhat hidden in the game. Go to the checkin icon and start tabbing around to find an area where promo codes can be entered. Check the offer tab, too, and you’ll be able to earn free diamonds – not that you would have to unless you spent diamonds like a drunken sailor, anyways.

That’s about all for the basics of Pocket Knights! Enjoy the game!