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Clumsy Ninja: Top 10 Tips, Tricks and Cheats, Part 2

Welcome to part two of the Clumsy Ninja top 10 tips and tricks guide! Click here to go back to part one of the guide.

5) Collect the daily bonuses every day.
Daily bonuses are a good source of coins and gems if you collect them consistently. In order to collect the daily bonuses, put your ninja to sleep. Then, minimize the app, and open it back up again, and you will earn your daily bonus. The more consistently that you collect, the bigger the bonuses will be.

4) Buy the plants and friends as soon as you unlock them.
Plants and friends, such as the chicken, the squirrel, the apple blossom and others, will earn you coins at regular intervals. Buy them as soon as you unlock them. Save up, even at the expense of other items that you can buy (fun and training). You will earn more coins in the long run.

3) Watch a video or send a tweet to repair a training implement immediately for free.
Wanna speed it up but you don’t want to spend gems? You will either be able to watch a video or send a tweet from the game in order to repair it for free. If you do this too many times, you will run out of tweets and videos, but keep checking back and they will regenerate.

2) Tap the big map in the left corner of the screen for an exact timeline on when you will earn your next belt or unlock your next item.
You’ll be able to see every single level, and what you unlock when you reach that level. Use this to keep track of various goals that you set in the game, such as a belt that you want to earn, or a training implement that you want to find.

1) Be creative and experiment to see how your ninja reacts.
Creativity is just as much as part of this game as following the quests is. Start messing around and seeing what you can pull off. Hang boxes, barrels, and punching bags using balloons. See how many different balloons you can hang from your ninja, or what happens when you use a potion on a floating ninja. Try to make him jump off of the ninja towers onto the trampolines, and see what hilarity ensures. These are just a few examples of strange, interesting, and sometimes hilarious things that you can do with your ninja. Enjoy the fun!