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Beat the Boss 3 – Top 12 Tips, Tricks and Cheats

Beat the Boss 3 is the third game in Game Hive’s surprisingly popular series, formerly known as Kick the Boss. Beat the Boss 3 brings all of the fun of the past games, with all kinds of new fun that’s exclusive to this one, making this the best game in the series so far. Read on for the top twelve tips and tricks for Beat the Boss 3!

12) Experiment to figure out what the best weapon is.
There are many weapons in this game, and with all of the weapons that you can get, there is almost no way to know what the best weapon is. In fact, it’s mostly down to personal preference. You might prefer explosives, guns, the flamethrower, or even one of the silly weapons.

11) Upgrade weapons as soon as possible.
Each weapon can be upgraded once, and when it is upgraded, it will fire faster, earn you more coins every time you hit the boss with it, have new animations, or a combination of all of the above. Earning more coins, however, will apply to every one of the weapons once they are upgraded.

10) Enjoy the KIIP rewards? Switch weapons to get different rewards… somewhat.
The rewards will vary a little bit based upon what weapon you use; however, keep doing the same kill with the same weapon over and over, and the same rewards will pop up again and again anyways.

9) Create as many of your own bosses as you want!
In addition to the boss from the original games, you can also create your own custom bosses. The first extra one is free, while the second one costs 300 coins, and the rest cost more coins after that. You can make the bosses look like anyone you want – even the extra bosses from the first two games, if you so choose.

8) Scratch the free scratchers as often as possible
You’ll get free scratchers every so often; check the store to see if you have a free scratcher. If not, you can still buy a scratcher for 29 gems apiece. Scratchers can earn you new crafting ingredients, more coins, more gems, and tokens which you can then trade in for poison or for Joe Badges.

7) Take the free coin bonuses as often as possible.
Tap on the “200 free coins” buttons that pop up when you kill the boss to see if a video pops up. If it does, watch it and you will get 200 free coins. Go to the free coins area in the store and you will then be able to connect to Facebook or Twitter from the game, for 500 free coins apiece.

Click here for the top six tips and tricks for Beat the Boss 3!