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Beat the Boss 3 – Top 12 Tips, Tricks and Cheats, Part 2

Welcome to part two of the Beat the Boss 3 top twelve tips and tricks! Click here to go back to part one of the guide.

6) Kill the boss to gain experience levels.
You’ll notice an experience point bar in the store area. This will increase every time that you kill the boss. Each time that you fill the experience points bar, you will gain a level. As you gain levels, you’ll also gain rank, military style.

5) Increase rank to gain free diamonds.
Kill the boss over and over until you increase your rank, because when you increase your rank, you will earn 40 free diamonds. Save up these diamonds over time to buy craft weapons, if you don’t want to save up the ingredients in order to craft them. You’ll earn rank for every 5 levels at first, then every four levels, and so on, with the intervals changing as your levels increase.

4) Sell the crafting ingredients that you don’t want (or need) for extra coins.
Get the crafting ingredients, then go to the store. Tap the icon right below the store icon (the one with a Joe Badge, a gold bar and a plastic icon side by side) and you will go to your ingredient list. Sell the ingredients for extra coins.

3) Buy the extra ingredients that you want using gems, or earn them by killing the boss.
Kill the boss for ingredients, but if you aren’t getting what you want, go back to the ingredient menu (mentioned above), tap the ingredient you want, and then buy it, rather than sell it, in order to get the ingredients that you want. In the long run, this is far cheaper than spending money on the craft weapons.

2) Spend gems for extra hearts.
If you want to get more hearts, you will have to spend gems for them. Go to the store area and you can spend 35 gems for 15 hearts. Or, if you don’t want to spend the gems, you can simply wait for the 10 seconds per kill that it takes for the boss to come back to life.

1) Get free gems using the offer wall.
You can get LARGE amounts of free gems this way. Go to the store and tap on the free gems icon. Then start completing any offer that you want. Plus, if you register for Tapjoy, you’ll get a second free offer wall to pop up on the website. You can save up massive amounts of gems this way – enough to buy the nuclear bomb, even.