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Flappy Bird: How to get the bronze, silver, gold, and platinum medals

Flappy Bird is a game with 8-bit graphics, pipes that look like they came from Super Mario Bros 3, and a bird that looks like a chicken nugget with eyes and a beak that massively sucks at flying. It’s also insanely hard and massively addicting – think of it as the “Snake” of the modern era. You can get four different medals in this game – the bronze, silver, gold, and platinum. Read on for tips on how to score high enough to get each one of them!

Getting the bronze medal is fairly easy (relatively speaking), as it only requires you to earn a total of ten points. You can do this by luck, but you’ll have to start finding a good rhythm and knowing how to position your bird for a good jump through pipes. You’ll probably have to play quite a few times before you can even approach this point total if you’re new to the game.

The silver medal really begins to require concentration. You’re not going to just get this one with luck, as it requires twenty points. Start timing your jumping points with the bird. A good rule of thumb is to jump when you are between half a bird length and one bird length above the top of the bottom pipe, horizontally (whether you are actually over the pipe or not).

The gold medal requires you to earn a total of thirty points. By the time you pass twenty, your heart rate will probably begin to increase, so you have to put extra focus into maintaining your concentration and keeping your rhythm. If you are playing on a phone, but you own a tablet, play on the tablet instead as a big screen helps. If you have both an iOS and an Android device, play it on the Android device, because according to the developer himself, the game is easier on the Android platform, for some reason.

The platinum medal requires 40 points, which can prove to be next to impossible to get to unless you’re really good at this game. Your heart will be pounding as you pass thirty, and your vision possibly blurring due to intense concentration, so remember to RELAX, and remember to actually blink.

Once you earn the platinum medal, you’ll be pretty much ready to go on to higher scores. Just remember what you did to actually get the platinum medal. Relax, keep to your rhythm, and don’t over jump and miss a low pipe gap, or under jump and miss a high pipe gap.