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Trolls vs Vikings: Tips and Tricks Guide – Hints, Cheats and Strategies

Trolls vs. Vikings is a new tower defense game that’s very closely inspired by Plants vs. Zombies, but with a much more Nordic twist on the characters – fitting, considering a Nordic company made this one. The trolls are the protagonists in this one, and the Vikings have decided out of nowhere to start attacking them, thus breaking the long-holding peace, but there is suspicion that someone or something is making the Vikings attack. Read on for some tips and tricks for Trolls vs Vikings!

A good defense is your best offense, but first, you have to make sure that your flow of moonstones is high. Always put at least four miners to begin with. If vikings start coming at you fast and furious, then put three miners, then place a few offense trolls, such as the Punks and the Busters (preferably the Busters first, as they will block Vikings’ movement and then do damage). Then place a fourth miner later. Place even more miners if you want to maintain a rapid flow.

Punks and other long-range troops such as Two-shot should be placed right in front of the miners, as far away from the vikings’ starting point as possible. Rocks and Busters should be placed fairly close to the right side of the screen, so that they can block the vikings and give the long-range trolls a lot of space to work with. If you have anything to protect, such as mushrooms, place your blocking trolls right in front of them.

Gold will buy you new trolls as well as other goodies. If you run out of gold or you want to earn gold faster and you are stuck on a stage, go back to older stages that you have already beaten, and play them over and over again to grind for gold. There is no “energy” or similar limit in this game, so you can play over and over again as many times as you want.

Use your spells sparingly, since they cost actual real-life money to buy. With a strong defense anchored by Busters and Rocks, you should never need to use spells. Move your Busters around as needed if one row is getting hammered harder than the others. Or, if you want to kill a troll fast, use the Shy (the hidden troll that pulls a viking down), but make sure there’s enough time for the Shy to dig and get ready.

When an entire line of vikings invades one single row, place a Drake, the fire-breathing dragon, since he can burn up two squares for a sustained period of time, which allows him to make short work of multiple vikings, sometimes 3 or 4 vikings at once.