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Disco Zoo: How to win without spending any real-life money

Disco Zoo is NimbleBit’s bizarre, retro-styled venture into the zoo games genre. You can collect all sorts of animals be they real, extinct, or even mythical, show them off in your zoo, and earn a nice fancy profit just for doing so. Being that it’s a freemium game there are plenty of opportunities to spend your hard-earned money in the game, but you can easily do well without having to do so. Read on to find out how to make your zoo thrive in Disco Zoo without having to spend a single dime!

The main thing that you can spend your money on in the game is Discobux. Discobux are the premium currency of the game, so of course, there is always the temptation; however, they are surprisingly easy to find within the game, and earn for free. One way to do so is to sit in your zoo and watch coins appear, and tap them. Every so often, a Discobux will appear as well, so tap them just as you would the coins.

The other way is to go to the animal rescues and find them. They won’t be there unless one of the cards that pops up at the top of the screen is a Discobux card, rather than an animal card. When this pops up, you have to guess the correct square in order to find it. You have no indication as to which square it is, so it’s all going to be based around luck with this one.

You can also spend money on coins, but these are far easier to earn. Find more animals to earn more coins per minute. Keep them awake to keep them earning coins. Whenever they fall asleep, tap on them to wake them up. Also, check on the random reviews (pink button in the upper right corner of the screen) and they will show up fairly frequently.

Disco parties will cause your coin earnings to double for the specific period of time that you put them on. They can only be put on using Discobux. If you spend one, you earn one minute of party. If you spend ten, you earn an hour of party time, and if you spend 50, you earn 8 hours of party time.

Save up your Discobux so that you can spend them on the more expensive parties, because you get FAR more party time on average per bux spent by doing that as opposed to spending one bux on one single minute. Also, if possible, save the party for when you have more and more animals, and you can’t go on anymore rescue missions because your coins have literally run out. That way, you can get the most coins per bux spent.