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Jumpy Jack – Tips and Tricks Guide: Hints, Cheats and Strategies, Page 2

One of the number one keys to this game (and there are many, but this more than most others) is to RELAX. This game has the ability more than almost any other game besides Flappy Bird to get your heart racing and your adrenaline pumping. When this happens, you are more likely to misjudge a jump and slam your head or your feet, thus ending runs prematurely and getting even more frustrated. When this begins to happen, take a break and then come back to the game later.

This, of course, goes with practicing, and you have to practice frequently if you want to be any good at this extremely difficult game. The more practice that you get, the more that you’ll start to intrinsically get the timing that you have to do for each jump height. Low, medium and high jumps are much different animals.

If you want to get rid of the ads for the game, go to your device’s settings and put it into airplane mode or shut off the network connection and the WiFi using other methods. I don’t really recommend this, because this is how the developers get paid, but if you find yourself accidentally tapping the ads over and over to the point of irritation, this is a good way to get rid of them.

Want to know how you are doing as opposed to others who play the game? Check the leaderboards by tapping on the Game Center icon in the top area of the screen. Scroll past the first five or so high scores, which are obviously hacks, and you will see the top real scores. Right now, the top score is 451 – can you beat it?

If you really want to hack the game, though, download iExplorer if you’re playing on the iOS (but download it on the computer) or some rooting stuff if you’re on Android, and a type of file explorer for that unit, and start messing around until you either figure out how to edit the score or how to make it so that the pipes are skate-through. If you mess up the app this way, delete it and then reinstall it.

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