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Lost Empire – Tips and Cheats: The Strategy Guide

Lost Empire is a new MMORTS for iPhone and iPad. The gameplay doesn’t stray too far from the Kingdoms of Camelot style, but there’s more than enough in this game to keep people coming back for more. Your goal is to build from a small kingdom to a big, powerful empire that can destroy other kingdoms and eventually dominate the server, if you’re good enough. Read on for some tips and tricks for Lost Empire!

-In battles, there are three types of troops. Ground types are strong against horses, horses are strong against artillery, and artillery are strong against ground types. Goblins are just there to carry resources – they can’t battle, but they are just as useful as the fighters.
-Above all, though, it’s mostly a numbers game. Increase your population by building and upgrading as many houses as you can fit – the extra population can then be trained into troops.

-Battling other players is done via the world map. While the game is fairly new, eventually you’ll start finding kingdoms that have been abandoned by their players. You’ll be able to tell because they never increase in might and never seem to have troops, but they always have resources available. Use these kingdoms as easy ways to gain tons of resources. The older the server that you play in, the more abandoned kingdoms you’ll find.

-You’ll also get attacked and get resources stolen from you, especially when you’re in an older server. Keep your warehouse upgraded to the highest level possible to protect resources. In addition, wait to claim your quest rewards and to use your resource-gaining items until you need them, because when they are unclaimed, they cannot be stolen by other players.

-Any time that you have construction that takes 6 minutes or less to complete, you can speed it up for free without having to spend hourglasses or gems. The same thing is true for research, too; however, this isn’t true for training troops. You’ll still need to use the hourglass to speed up troop training.
-If you’re working on building your resources primarily, take your troops out of hiding (by tapping on your castle and going to the overview). However, if you are working on building up a huge army, stick your troops in hiding, maximize your number of military camps (and upgrade as needed), hide as many resources as you can and spend the rest on troops.

-Trying to figure out where to go and what to do next? Go to the quests menu and complete the daily quests for extra rewards, and the kingdom quests, which will help you power up your kingdom as well as gain new rewards.
-Participate in an alliance to consolidate your power over the server. Find a strong alliance so that you and your alliancemates can pool your resources and dominate your enemies. Pick a close kingdom as a rally point from which to send the whole alliance’s troops.