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2048 plus – Challenge Edition – Tips and Cheats: The Strategy Guide

2048 plus – Challenge Edition is a fresh new spin on the 2048 game by redBit games, which has become rather famous for its simple yet difficult iOS games as of late. While it’s the classic 2048 concept all over again, this one contains not only new graphics, but a number of challenge stages that give you more to do besides just trying to go for the highest tile possible. Read on for some tips and tricks for 2048 plus – Challenge Edition for the iPhone and iPad!

In the classic level (and in any of the levels, really), try not to swipe up at all. If you swipe in only three directions rather than in four, it becomes MUCH easier to keep track of all of your tiles as well as to avoid getting stuck in logjams. Only hit the up tile if you absolutely HAVE to, because it will tend to garble your tiles up and make it more difficult to match higher-point tiles.

To take this to another extreme, sometimes it’s a good idea to hit only two direction at a time, rather than three. For example, only swipe down, or to the right, unless you absolutely HAVE to swipe in a third direction (which will obviously happen far more often than the above tip’s fourth direction swipes will). This also makes it fairly easy to keep your highest-point tiles together (your highest point one should be as close to a corner as possible, with the next highest point tiles next to it).

Want to get rid of the ads in the game without having to pay any money? Throw your phone or your iPad into airplane mode or turn off the data and/or Wi-Fi and then play 2048 plus – Challenge Edition. Ads are the only thing in the game that require an internet connection, so if the internet connection is severed, the ads quit appearing.

There are plenty of challenge stages, all of which have their own unique challenges. The faster that you play a challenge stage, the more stars you get. One quick way to win is to simply hit left-down-right-down, and then repeat, over and over again until you can’t anymore. Come to think of it, this is good for almost any stage. But you’ll have to change up your strategy depending on how many stone blocks you have.

With multiple stone blocks on stage, continue with your normal strategy of only swiping in three directions maximum, as opposed to four. The more stars that you earn on these levels, the more new levels that you will unlock.