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Weed Firm – How to stop aliens, gangsters and cops from taking your money, XP and weed

One of the biggest challenges in Weed Firm is the gangsters Jesus and Jhamal, and Mr. Malone, the police officer. Whenever they knock on your door, you either have to pay up, or you can kiss your money and weed goodbye. Aliens will randomly steal your experience points. However, there are a number of ways to minimize the impact that they have on your operation. Read on to find out how!

The main way to stifle the gangsters forever is by purchasing the safe. You’ll be able to buy it when you reach level 7, and once you have it, you can stick all of your money and weed in there. After doing so, you can tell the gangsters to piss off, and they’ll rob the place as usual, but they won’t take any of your money or your pot.

Before level 7, though, you’re going to have a rough time, but there are ways to minimize the impact so that you don’t get permanently screwed if they rob you. First tip is to have a whole bunch of weed growing in pots, and only harvest it when you need it. If you don’t have any weed and the gangsters show up and you don’t have bribery money, leave them at the door (don’t answer) and load your pots with weed so you have something to work with when they ransack you.

The cop can be mostly dealt with by installing miniblinds, which you can get at level 8. However, up until that point, you’ll get a LOT of cop visits, so you better have the money to bribe them; if you don’t, they will steal all of your money, weed, and all of your pots. Minimize the damage by leaving them at the door, growing a bunch of weed and sticking that (and your cash) into the safe, then leaving the pots empty when you answer the door.

To stop the cops from ever taking anything, tell them to “piss off” when your pots have no plants in them. Officer Malone won’t mess with any of the pots that don’t have any weed growing in them. He’ll only steal the ones that have plants growing or already grown and waiting to be harvested.

Alternatively, with both of them, if you don’t have the money, leave them at the door, and your customers will still show up, albeit more slowly than they otherwise would. Sell to your customers until you have enough bribery money to pay them off, and you’ll really minimize the damage that you’d take from them. Eventually they’ll bust through the door but not before giving you time to sell to some customers. It takes about five minutes with them at the door.

Finally, at level 10 you will be able to buy a shotgun from Mike the plumber. Once you have this, you’ll be able to blow away the gangsters, which will earn you some cash. At level 11, the alien will come and take all of your experience points, though, so you will need to keep buying a painting from Mary the artist to put on the wall so that the alien can steal that instead.

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