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Infection 2 Bio War Simulation – Top 20 Tips, Strategies and Cheats

Infection 2 Bio War Simulation is the sequel to the massively popular Infection Bio War. It’s an extremely quick follow up to the original, which game out less than six months ago, but there’s so much different in this (admittedly similar looking) game as to warrant a sequel. It’s more difficult, for one thing. Read on for the top twenty tips and tricks for Infection 2 Bio War Simulation!

20) Use easy mode to unlock and beat all of the levels in the game.
Infection 2 is still very easy to beat in the easy difficulty levels, and if you are any good at the first Infection, you’ll automatically be good at this one. Beating the current level in any difficulty level enables you to unlock the next level, so you’re best served by beating it on easy mode.

19) Pick and choose your genes wisely.
Any gene that you buy or win, be it a common one or a rare one, will have certain advantages and disadvantages – for example, less lethality but less visibility, or the disease will be less effective in humid areas but more effective in arid areas. With the right strategies, though, you can use these advantages and disadvantages and win far more easily. All it takes is to make sure that your advantages will have more of an advantageous effect.

18) When purchasing disease modifications, keep an eye on the three bars at the bottom.
Infectiousness shows how easily the disease will spread. Lethality will show how fast the disease will kill people. Visibility shows how fast the disease will be researched and cured. Above all, you need to minimize visibility while maximizing the other two. If you aren’t paying attention, especially in the symptoms screen, you’ll end up making the disease far too easy to cure.

17) Want to win easily without a care as to how to finish the stage quickly? Then don’t buy anything at first.
Sit for 10-15 minutes, collecting the DNA popups that come from the first country that’s infected. Do this until you have at least 300 but preferably 400 DNA. Then that’s when you start purchasing everything that you need.

16) Once you have all of the DNA that you need, load up on transmissions.
The most important transmissions here, once you do this, are the ones that spread across land borders, through ships, and on airplanes. But ideally, you should purchase every single form of transmission so that you can infect everybody as quickly as possible. Avoid the ones which raise visibility too much to be manageable, though.

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