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Infection 2 Bio War Simulation – Top 20 Tips, Strategies and Cheats, Page 3

10) Unlock rare genes by spending the gems that you have built up.
Go to the gene screen and take a spin on the “get rare genes” button and you’ll be able to spin for a rare combination of genetics that you can then equip your pathogen with. The rarer that the gene is, the easier it is to find an advantage. Equip multiple rare genes together for especially effective combinations.

9) Equip ANY gene that decreases the visibility of the disease.
The lower the visibility, the slower that the disease will be cured. It doesn’t matter what the disadvantages of the gene are, they are always trumped by decreasing the visibility. Stack 2, 3, or 4 of the visibility decreasing genes together in order to gain massive advantages and to make it easier to win.

8) Start from a country that is very difficult to infect.
Usually, your most difficult countries to infect will be islands, such as Madagascar or Greenland. There’s an easy way to infect these countries early on, and that is simply to start a game in one of these two countries. Greenland is the most recommended country to begin a game in, because it’s the most difficult one to infect, almost every single time. Iceland can be a good one as well.

7) You have to pay to unlock Frenzy Mode or to unlock the cheats.
There is no known way to unlock them from within the game. You have to purchase them from inside of the App Store in order to unlock them. There could be a way added to the game later on, or even added to Infection 3 (you know that this is an inevitable game, considering the popularity of the first two), but not right now.

6) How to get the cheats?
Go to the difficulty level selection screen. Scroll backwards, to the left past the easy mode, and there will be a “difficulty” called Cheats. Once you select it, you will have an option to purchase three cheats, one or two, or none at all. If you purchase none of them, then you will simply go into the game in easy mode.

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