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Infection 2 Bio War Simulation – Top 20 Tips, Strategies and Cheats, Page 4

5) Put the game on double-speed mode most of the time.
Hitting the fast forward button will send the game into double speed mode. It’s best to have it in that mode most of the time, except for when you have just bought a large quantity of transmission modifications. At that point, it becomes a bit tough to keep up with the red bubbles. Set it into normal speed to make it easier to keep up.

4) Set your phone’s auto-locking feature to “off.”
Do this, and you will be able to collect DNA for awhile without having to check the phone. You will have to click out of a news bulletin popup every once in awhile, but the further you get without doing anything, the less often that the popups will appear.

3) Watch out for the red and blue ships and planes.
These will allow you to predict where an infected ship is going ahead of time, so if it’s going to a country that has not yet been infected, you will know where to tap next. Ditto for the blue planes and ships – they will allow you to figure out where a cure bubble will pop up next, so you won’t have to look for it.

2) Are some of your countries stuck having only one person infected?
If that’s the case, then purchase either the hot or the cold resistance, depending on where the country is. If it’s a hot country, the hot resistance will work. If it’s a cold country, the cold resistance will work. Depending on what genes you began the game with, you might have to purchase both levels of the applicable resistance.

1) Watch out for the news popups, and adjust your strategy based on what they say.
Some of them, such as the weather news, might seem like crap, but it actually gives good hints on how to adjust your strategy in the game. Pay attention when the game tells you that airplanes are now sanitized, extra rain is falling, or whatever news has popped up most recently.

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