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Animas Online – Tips and Cheats: The Ultimate Strategy Guide

Animas Online is a new action-RPG by GameForge for the iOS and Android platforms. You play as one of three Animas, which are curiously humanlike animals (think the kind of cosplay that goes on at furry conventions, and you got it). As knights for the kingdom ruled by Lionheart, your goal is to drive away the humans that threaten to conquer your land and kill your people. Read on for some tips and tricks for Animas Online!

Levels get progressively tougher as you go through, and you’ll end up needing better equipment and higher experience levels just to succeed. If you’re stuck, go back to some old mission levels, fight for experience, gold and prizes. Oftentimes you can find new weapons or rare goods in replayed levels that you can go back and use later.

Make sure to pick up every single thing that enemies drop when you kill them. These will include both gold and various prizes, such as weapons and armor, and even enhancement items and other goods. When you get boxes, you’ll be able to open them up as soon as you find the applicable key for that box.

If you don’t manage your inventory, it will get cluttered VERY quickly. Make sure to sell off any items that you don’t need anymore, such as old weapons or armor. Sell everything that you can’t equip, too, and then save up the gold so that you can buy better items from the shopkeeper. Save any item that you can equip at a higher level, but not now, so that you can take advantage of it once you unlock it.

The arena is a survival mode that you can use to test your might against other players, against increasingly stronger sets of enemies, and against the whole of the Animas Online world. The higher your arena rank, the tougher the battles you’ll face. If you want to start winning again, intentionally lose a bunch of battles in order to drop your arena rank so you get matched against easier enemies.

Connect the game to Facebook and you will be able to play missions with your friends who play the game. If you have none, and you want to add people that you don’t know, then go to the comments section of this article, the Facebook pages for the game, or the App Store review section, because it’s pretty likely that info has been posted in those locations. Or post your own info there.