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Make It Rain: Rich and Famous – Tips and Cheats: The Ultimate Strategy Guide, Page 2

Once you start purchasing the appearances, keep doing that right up until you hit the million-dollar mark. From there, start purchasing the latest available entourage enhancements. They will be the pool boy, the stunt double, and the plastic surgeon. All of these will earn you far more cash per the amount of cash spent than anything else that you have purchased before, and most things that you will purchase afterwards.

Keep loading up on these ones til you have enough money for the Twins, which will earn you 1.7 million per second. This will be one of the best purchases in the game, so keep loading up on the Twins until you are making 10 million to 20 million per second. After that, switch gears again and purchase the appearances.

There are certain appearances that it’s best to just completely ignore, though. For example, in the merch area, you can purchase a yacht which will earn you 5 million per hour, at a cost of 3.6 billion. Right above that is the Perfume De You, which earns you 14 million per hour and only costs you under 200 million. This makes the yacht an extremely worthless purchase.

At the same time, watch out for purchases that are worth more than others, dollar-per-dollar. For example, in the merch area, a panic room will increase the capacity of your safe for 20 billion dollars; however, a designer dog breed will up your capacity by 250 billion dollars at a cost of only 60 billion dollars. In this particular case, the designer dog breed is easily the best purchase.

You only get a certain amount of lawyer calls per game unless you decide to purchase more lawyer calls. Spend them wisely. If you spin a no-penalty prize, a very small penalty, a money gain or a one-time loss, don’t bother using your lawyer calls, and don’t use them either if it’s a very small cash-per-second loss that you get. Only use them if you are slated to lose a massive amount of cash per second.

The money clip that you have will change every time you purchase a new appearance. Plus, it will change depending on how much money you have at the time. It’s really not useful to know this, but it is fun to watch.

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