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Royal Defenders: Tips and Cheats – The Ultimate Strategy Guide

Royal Defenders is a new tower defense game by Mobage/DeNA for the iOS and Android platforms. Your goal is to protect a rather sassy, smart-mouthed princess from a seemingly endless barrage of monsters who want to try to attack her, while collecting and using a seemingly endless variety of different defenders to destroy the monsters. Read on for some tips and tricks for Royal Defenders!

In each one of the stages, you can get up to three trophies. The tasks are different in each one of the stages, though, so if you want to get all three, then be sure to look at what the achievements are for the particular stage. Check them before you begin the battle, because you won’t be able to check them from within the battle.

However, if you want to get a gold trophy (or even a silver trophy) the task is simple – get through the round without the princess taking a hit. The more hits the princess takes, the lower of a level your trophy will be. If you get through the round with an unscathed princess, you’ll end up with a gold trophy.

If you run out of lives, you’ll either have to purchase more of them or you’ll simply have to wait for them to rejuvenate. There is a workaround, though. Use the time lapse cheat by setting the time ahead on your phone or your tablet. You’ll need to set it ahead by about 45 minutes for every life that needs to be restored. Then go back to the game, and all of your lives will be back.

This seems like a lot of time to screw your phone up by, but you can do this unlimited times without having to keep your phone at weird times. Go back to the game and check out your full life bar. Go to the date and time settings after you verify your new lives, and set the time back to normal, and then go back to Royal Defenders. All of your new lives will still be there for you.

Use your training points wisely. You’ll earn training points for every new level that you beat, and you can spend them on any defender you choose, so choose the ones that you use the most and that tend to be the most effective (which are usually long-distance defenders or defenders who attack multiple enemies at once). If there’s a defender you want to get rid of, sell them and you’ll earn training points in exchange.