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Heli Hell – Tips and Cheats: The Strategy Guide

Heli Hell is a new bullet hell game for the iOS and Android platforms. This one is extremely difficult – even the first stage is nearly impossible to beat without any upgrades to your helicopter. However, with a little bit of practice, and some tips, you’ll find yourself cruising through in no time at all. Read on for some tips and tricks for Heli Hell!

Initially, since it will be tough to beat the first stage, all you should focus on is killing enemies, collecting as many coins as possible, and completing the missions. Each mission will be worth coins, and you have three missions at a time. Once you beat one mission, a new one opens up.

To get as far as you can, the solution is simple. Focus on avoiding enemy fire by all means possible. Pay attention to the energy bar at the top of your screen. The green is how much health your chopper has left. Once it completely runs out of green and turns red, you will be blown up. Pay attention to the distance meter on the left – the green is how far you are now, and the red is your record distance.

Also, set priorities on which enemies you kill first. Kill the ones who are firing the most rounds, or the most damaging rounds first. Sit in front of them to target them long enough for your missiles to come out – this makes it much easier than sliding around and using guns alone. Collect the coins – big coins are worth 100 each so make these your first priority.

Save enough to get a new helicopter, because you can’t upgrade your existing one’s armor. The better the chopper that you buy, the more armor you will have. Grind for coins as long as you need to in order to be able to afford one.

Weapons are much more affordable, though. You can upgrade your existing guns and your missiles up to three times apiece. These are the most affordable upgrades – you can buy new guns and missiles, which are more expensive, but the best defense is a good offense, so the expenditure is worth it.