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Two Fingers, One Brain – Tips and Cheats: The Strategy Guide

Two Fingers, One Brain (known currently on iOS as Two Fingers, But Only One Brain) is an insanely difficult new speed-puzzle game for the iOS and Android platforms. Think of the “Dumb Ways To Die” app, yet you’re playing two of them at once, at the same time. It’s insanely difficult, and insanely addicting. Read on for some tips and tricks for Two Fingers, One Brain!

The main “trick” to this game is to practice, practice, practice. It’s insanely difficult at first, because you have to use two sides of your brain at the same time, and if you aren’t good at it, all you can do is take your lumps, work out your mental muscle, and then keep trying again. As you keep playing you’ll be able to increase your score higher and higher and higher.

Different puzzles take different lengths of time to complete, so take advantage of them if you need to focus a little bit better. For example, if a short-timer is on the other side of the screen (such as the “tap” one or picking the right color), and one of the long ones is on the other side (avoiding rockets, clouds or jumping), focus on the avoidance game primarily.

For the UFO shooting game (when they are scrolling sideways), tap in a rhythm. Initially, 120 BPM works, and as the game speeds up, you can tap faster and faster. This lets you take your eye off the screen to focus on other puzzles without a risk of dying.

For the “even number” or “odd number” puzzles, ignore the first digit (the 10s) and focus on the second digit (the 1s). For the puzzle where you have to tap the UFOs, once they start to speed up, take both thumbs and start tapping them because they will be too fast to catch with just one.

If you really want to cheat, break the game and break the Game Center scoreboard, then get someone else to play with you. Have them focus on the puzzle on the left, while you focus on the puzzle on the right, or vice versa. This is a guaranteed way to skyrocket up near the top of the leaderboard in this game.