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Age of Titan – The Ultimate Tips, Cheats and Strategy Guide

Age of Titan: Proficient City (which is my favorite unintentionally funny subtitle) is a new role playing game for the iOS and Android (not to be confused with Age of Titans, which is by Castle Clash maker This new RPG translates MMO-esque functions to single player action with a surprising proficiency (ha! groan…) and makes for a fairly addicting experience. Read on for some tips and tricks for Age of Titan!

As with many MMOs, almost everything in this game can be automated. Whenever you go on a quest, hit the “Auto-pilot” button to automatically go to the next battle and/or story interlude. Then, when you enter into battle, hit the “AFK” button and the game will automatically select the best attacks for you, including special moves.

Age of Titan offers countless ways to improve your battle party. To improve your hero, your best bet is to improve their equipment. Earn new equipment simply by questing, but use the blacksmith to power the equipment up to sky high levels. The rarer that the equipment is, the higher the level that it can be enchanted to, so always start with the rarest equipment possible so that you can enhance it massively.

Enhance your troops in the barracks, and level your barracks (and your town hall) up as high as possible. Level up your town hall to increase the amount of coins you can collect, and level up the barracks to increase the potential maximum level of your troops, as well as to increase the amount of Daru that you can pick up.

Any time that you see sparkles flashing over an icon on the main map screen, tap it and search around for rewards that you can claim. The only icon that will still flash even when there is no reward to claim is the Recharge Pack icon – otherwise, the rest will have rewards to claim.

You’ll need to download various “hotfixes” which are patches for the game in order to get the maximum amount of data that’s necessary for playing it. Download off of WiFi or you’ll end up blowing out your data plan rather quickly, plus WiFi can make it much faster. Each hotfix you download earns you a reward as well.

Any time that you’re having trouble beating a stage, go back to an old stage that you have beaten already and play it over and over again to farm for rewards. Do this if you have no more quests that you can easily complete – if you have quests, do those first as the rewards will be greater, with one exception – playing old stages is a quicker way to earn equipment for free.