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Cheating Tom – The Ultimate Tips, Cheats and Strategy Guide

Cheating Tom is a new game for the iOS and Android where your goal is literally to cheat your way to the top. You play as either Tom (no relation to Tom Brady) or Tammy, and the more effectively you cheat off of other students, the higher your grades will be in the end. Read on for some tips and tricks for Cheating Tom!

To cheat off of someone, tap and hold them until the bar over their head fills up, and then your overall grade bar at the top will fill a little bit. Repeat until you have a maximum grade of A+. Pay attention to the color of the bar above the student that you are cheating off of. If it’s green you’re good. If it’s yellow that means they’re getting angry and will be more likely to draw a glance from a teacher.

When the bar is red and you fill it anyways, the student is more likely to get pissed off or cry and a stop sign will appear. That means you can’t cheat off of them anymore for awhile and it’s time to stop. Switch to another student at this point. Later, when the stop sign disappears, you can go back to the other previous student and cheat off of them again.

Try to stay close to the students who are closest to you and are not blocked off by a big extended desk. Also, find the students whose bars fill up twice as fast as usual or whose bars will give you double the amount of grade bar fill as usual, and stick to them as your main ones to cheat off of. Filling the bar quickly is a requirement due to the time limits on each stage.

This game is not a F2P game, it is a completely free game, meaning that there is no way to actually spend money on the game. If you want to restart from where you left off after you lose on a stage, you can do so by watching a free advertisement video. That’s the only way, and it’s free – there is no “pay to win” in this game.

If you don’t have enough credits to move forward to the next year of school, go to the old stages that you have previously played before and scored less than an A+ on, and then play them again. Also take advantage of all of the power ups, such as the ghost power up (hides you from the teacher) and the bubble power up (teleportation for a limited period of time) in order to go faster and decrease your chances of getting caught.