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Heroes Charge – List of all hero soul stone locations, page 2

Silencer: Chapter 5 The Crimes of Falspar, Chapter 12 Dark Jungles, Dark Portents
Brute: Chapter 6 Right to the Source, Chapter 10 A Whisper Missed, Chapter 11 The Inner Curtain
Warrior Monk: Chapter 10: Bringing their Legends Low, Chapter 11: The Camp in the Shadow
Lunar Guardian: Chapter 9 A Walk to the Moon, Chapter 9 The Fields of Jachin, Chapter 10 A Single Hand Raised
Psychic Sword: Chapter 9 Gathering Intel, Chapter 11 The Depths of Skulaska

Not in loot list yet: Mystic, Ferryman, Swordmaster, Commando, Wandering Spearman, Frost Mage, Pilot, Poisoned One, Old Curse, Death Mage, Death Knight, Drunken Master, Rifleman

Every single character that is not in the Loot Drop list is not in any of the elite dungeons yet. That means there are only two ways to get them. Either open a bronze chest or open a gold chest. You have to be really lucky to find one of these in the bronze chest or gold chest – less so for the gold chest, but of course, the gold chest is more expensive.

Be sure to check the merchant frequently for new soul stones to pop up. Soul stones for characters tend to appear here that aren’t in any of the loot drop lists, and while they are expensive, they will eventually add up over time along with the other stuff that you collect.

Keep on the lookout for special events, as whenever they involve dungeons or soul stone prizes, they’ll usually be rare soul stones that you can’t get from the ordinary dungeons, not even the elite ordinary dungeons. Also, watch for updates to the game, and expect the developers to either add new chapters, or to add new soul stones to the loot drop locations on the dungeons that already exist.

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