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Dynasty Heroes – Tips, Tricks, Cheats and Strategy Guide

Dynasty Heroes is a new mobile RPG for iOS. This adorably chibi anime-style RPG takes the normally very serious Three Kingdoms storyline and converts it over to a mobile RPG that has deep gameplay, bad English and a strong PvP element. Read on for some tips and tricks for Dynasty Heroes!

There are a ton of different ways to upgrade your party. You have to increase your experience level to open up your party to being able to have more characters. Pay attention to the rarity (the star rating) of your characters. Four and five star characters are surprisingly not all that rare, so you can fill your entire party with four- and five-star characters. Use the one through three star characters as upgrade fodder.

Each character can have one weapon and one piece of armor, so like above, equip the rarest ones you have. Tap on the equipped piece of weapon or armor and you will get the option to boost it, which is done the same way – sacrifice other weapons or armor to increase its experience level, therefore increasing its attack or defense. Boosting your characters and weapons is practically a requirement to succeed in the arena.

Go to the Camp, and then to your pack by hitting the “pack” button, and open up all of the various packs that you find throughout your questing. If you want more of them, and you’re stuck on a tough battle (rare but possible), go to the older stages that you have already beaten, quest through them again, and you will earn different prizes as rewards.

Ingots are your rare/premium currency, and you can buy Ingots in order to increase your VIP level. You can get a ton of free Ingots too through various arena and questing rewards, although they will not contribute to your VIP level.

Want to try to figure out who you can beat in the Arena? There’s not much of a way to do so – the only real way is to check the rarity of your team vs their team, but even then, it’s a crapshoot. Just know to boost your team whenever you start to lose consistently. Use special booster cards with “EXP” on them in order to boost your character and equipment levels at high speed.