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Weed Empire: Undercover War – How to get rid of the cop and gangster for free, page 2

Once you hit level 14 you will be able to purchase the cheerleader’s panties and hang them on the wall. Scott will steal them when you do this, and he will leave behind your money and your weed. Not much point in this when you already have the safe though. It’s really only good if you’re extremely forgetful and rarely check the door to see if he is there.

Purchase the discreet windows in the store. These are the only decoration that doesn’t increase customer volume, but they have a far better use – they decrease the frequency of getting visits from Officer Scott. While it doesn’t claim to do so in the game, it also seems to decrease the frequency of visits from Frank.

If you do get hit by Frank or Scott and you end up screwed, there is still hope to salvage what you’re doing in the game. If Frank hits you and you don’t have enough money for new pots, nor enough weed to sell to make money for new pots, hit the “share” button to send an email or text sharing the game. If you don’t want to bug people, share it with yourself or enter a fake phone number or email address in the “to” box.

If Scott hits you and takes all of your money and weed, and you don’t have any plants in your pots, then do the same thing. You will not have to hit the share button as much though in order to make money to continue, since all that you need money for is seeds and water. Next time do as mentioned in page 1 of the article, such as shutting off the app.

If you shut the app off, then reopen it and they are still there, then all that you have to do is shut the app off again and they will go away. If for some reason they don’t go away after the second time, they will go away the third time, but chances of them coming back three times are about the same as the chances of getting hit by lightning.

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