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SAS Zombie Assault 4: Tips, Tricks, Cheats, and Strategy Guide

SAS Zombie Assault 4 is a new zombie shooting game for the iOS and Android, as well as for other platforms such as Kongregate. Your goal, just as with the past four SAS games, is to shoot up massive amounts of zombies while avoiding getting killed, in order to protect a specific area, or simply to play against other players. Read on for some tips and tricks for SAS Zombie Assault 4!

Earning cash can be a slow proposition in this game, but one way to earn some quick free cash is to go to the “FREE$” button which allows you to watch videos in exchange for cash. You earn 500 per video that you watch, which might not sound like much, but when it adds up you’ll have more than enough money to earn some good stuff.

An example of this is the strongboxes. Most of the strongboxes in the store cost real money to buy, and you can find strongboxes hidden around various stages. However, if you want to buy one with cash, you’ll need $27,000, and this will earn you three titanium strongboxes, making this the best free (free in real life) deal throughout the entire game.

Most of your weapons and armor can’t be upgraded, but when you find the ones that can, do so as much as your cash will allow you to do so, because generally, the boost that you get from upgrades is the best deal that you will find in the whole game.

Use your skill points wisely because you only get one per level that you gain; if you are not happy with the ones you picked, reset them all using the “reset all” button at the bottom left corner of the skill screen, and then pick new skills all over again. Plan them out before you pick them so you don’t have to keep doing that.

Always be cautious when shooting to make sure that you don’t become front line fodder for zombies. In multiplayer modes, most of the time you should be not in the front, but in the second or third position even when you are really good. Even if you end up having a crappy team, you can still thrive by yourself in multiplayr mode.