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Food Battle: The Game – How to get free coins and crystals, page 2

There is a correllation between the toughness of the donut that you face off against and the amount of coins that you earn from said donut (or from the only non-donut enemy, the Catalog of Doom in level 28). The farther along that you face off against an enemy for the first time, and the tougher they are to kill, the more coins you will earn from them. Mint and orange donuts and maple bars in particular, along with chocolate and vanilla donuts, are rather lucrative.

After you beat every stage in the game and earn 50 stars, you’ll unlock a harder difficulty level, and after you earn all 90 stars in that new difficulty level, you’ll unlock a third, extremely hard difficulty level. These will have different mixes of donuts, usually containing far more coins per level than the ones in the easy difficulty did due to the prevalence of tougher donuts.

The farther-along levels are also better for earning free crystals. Replay levels 26-30 for a very easy shot at free crystals each time that you play. These are short stages where you replay old boss battles, while level 30 is a short stage with, of course, the final boss of the game, so it make sense in both cases that this is where you would go to earn more crystals.

Like with the coin tips above, crystals are more frequently found in tougher difficulty levels than in easier ones. So go to the tougher difficulty levels, especially the boss stages as before, in order to grind for crystals. Not only will you find more crystals in stages that are further along in the game, but also in stages that have a higher number of gold treasure boxes.

To make your crystals go a longer way, don’t use them to revive unless you have no armor that you want to spend them on. Save them, restart stages as needed, and only when you have all of the armor that you want should you start using crystals to revive.

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