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Bio Inc – Tips, Tricks, Cheats, and Strategies

Bio Inc is a new game by Montreal’s own DryGin studios, and it takes disease information and fatality rates straight from the Mayo Clinic, along with a healthy dose of depravity a la Plague Inc, and lets you use a whole host of diseases to try to kill the person who’s given to you to use them on. You have a huge variety of challenges, as well as difficulty levels, and your goal is to three star as many stages as you can. Read on for some tips and tricks for Bio Inc!

The challenges begin with someone who is insanely unhealthy, an overweight sedentary smoker, and progress until you’re practically trying to disease Superman himself. Prepare for challenges by first purchasing a host of risk factors, at least the ones that don’t already apply. Buy them, but don’t buy so many that the guy starts getting treatment before you even purchase one disease.

Instead, concentrate on one specific area. For example, if you are going for respiratory failure, make the person a smoker. Then start loading them up with lung cancer, the flu, emphysema, H1N1 and every other respiratory ailment you can think of. Once their respiratory fails, everything else will start to go even if there are no risk factors or symptoms. Specialization is the way to win this game.

Your star score changes depending on the difficulty level. If you play on easy mode it’s nearly impossible to get three stars. If you play on hard mode, all that you have to do to get three stars is just to win. Go back to old stages and earn more stars if you need to for stage unlocks.

Wait until the doctors begin treatment to start interfering with the healing process. There are a ton of purchases you can make, and as long as you make them when they are actually applicable, you’ll do well. Bad Doctor upgrades should be done as early as possible, while Nurses on Strike, for example, can be purchased midway through the healing process.

Stay on single speed the entire time, with few exceptions, as overall it allows you to collect bacteria and viruses faster. Go to double speed only when your character is on the verge of having its life drained and all you are trying to do is to speed up the process.