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Crusaders Quest: Tips, Tricks, Cheats, and Strategies

Crusaders Quest is a new mobile RPG for the iOS and Android platforms. This retro style RPG puts you into a world in which the Forest Goddess and a mysterious dark entity have come into battle, and your goal is to help the brand new Forest Goddess prevail and stop the corruption of living things. Along the way you’ll collect all sorts of heroes, train and promote them, while equipping them with weapons and sending them off into battle. Read for some tips and tricks for Crusaders Quest.

As previously stated, there are three ways to improve your characters. The first is, of course, gaining experience levels, which is done by battling. If you are stuck on a current stage, then go to the last stage that you were able to beat reliably and battle until you gain some levels. Or go to an older stage if you just want to set the game down and let the battle fight itself without having to use any specials.

Training is done by feeding bread to your heroes, and various breads can be baked inside the bakery. Always have a bakery project going so that you can train your heroes. Training them upgrades their base stats, which has a bigger effect for higher experience levels.

Promotion can be done only when your characters are at max level. Once they are and you promote them, they will increase in rarity, go down to level one again, and their base stats and shape will skyrocket. They’ll be able to level quickly and gain stats rapidly from here, due to the newfound low levels.

You get honor by making friends in the game. Go to the friends list and go to the “sent” tab and three people will pop up as suggested invites. Invite them, close the friends menu and open it again, and three more potential friends will pop up. Add them too. Keep adding people until you hit your maximum friend level.

Converting weapons will change one or two particular attributes, depending on your experience level. Stop converting after one or two times, though, because after you do it that many times, the stats will generally stagnate. Wait until you level up a little bit more to start converting your weapons again, because the higher your level, the more extra stats you can add to a weapon via conversion.