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Marvel Mighty Heroes: Tips, Tricks, Cheats, and Strategy Guide

Marvel Mighty Heroes is a new game for the iOS and Android platforms centering around the famous Marvel universe characters. It’s a brawler that is a little bit cuter than most; your goal is to fight your way through enemies using one of the many Marvel heroes featured in this game, in different stages and mission types ranging from offensive to defensive and survival. Read on for some tips and tricks for Marvel Mighty Heroes!

Be sure to tailor your team to whatever the recommended type is for a particular stage. Bruisers are strong against scrappers, which are strong against blasters, which are strong against bruisers, although a good balance will help you beat different enemies on a stage. Generalists are neither strong nor weak against any of the three types, and are a good compromise for any stage.

When an event is going on, which is almost constantly, you will have to compete against the three other parties on the map for points, so make sure that you make use of your special attack as frequently and during the best times as possible. Line enemies up and crowd them together, and then unleash your special attack at a time when it will hit as many of them as possible.

You can use items to level up your characters. Make sure that you use the level up items on a character whenever they have just recently gained a level. Do this and you will get the most juice out of that particular item for the experience points gained. If you need to gain more experience for your characters, then go back to levels that you have already beaten, and grind them for even more experience points.

There are a number of ways to upgrade the skills for a character that you already have. For example, you can use ISO-8 to do so, or if you go to the store and get a duplicate character, often you will get a new suit for the character that you already have, and a new suit will typically bestow a new or upgraded skill. If you get a duplicate suit, it will level up that suit’s skill.

Keep your hero moving as much as possible and as often as possible. If they are standing still, they will get hit a lot more easily, especially if you are facing off against enemy blasters. Keep on the move, hit and run, and when possible, isolate an enemy and start pounding them. If you get crowded in by enemies, then use your special skill to take them all out and load up on the points.