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Jumpy Jack – Top 10 Tips, Tricks and Cheats, Page 2

5) Play the game on a tablet rather than a phone, if you are able to.
If you own an iPad, go for your high score runs on that, because it’s MUCH easier to judge the distance than on the iPhone. However, if you own both, then alternate between playing on both, because you start to zone out if you play on the same sized screen for too long a time.

4) Turn off the ads if you want to.
Not generally recommended because app developers need to make money too. This is only recommended if you keep accidentally tapping ads and losing or getting sidetracked. Set your phone to Airplane mode or turn off the data, network and WiFi in order to do this. Then go back to the app and play and the ads will be gone.

3) Set a goal to collect the various items of clothing.
Every time that you pass a multiple of 5 points for the first time, you will earn a new item of clothing, such as a bandana, a new shirt, or a new pair of pants. Set a goal to try to earn as many of these as possible, because this mental trick will make it far easier to keep on going for more and more points.

2) Wanna compare yourself to other players? Use Game Center for that.
Go to the Game Center button inside of the app and look at the leaderboards. Skip past the first five or so and start at around number 6 (or start around the scores that actually look realistic) to see what the top number is that you eventually have to beat.

1) Wanna hack the game without jailbreaking your phone?
Download something like iExplorer on your pc or mac, and then connect your iOS device to it and start sifting around for files related to Jumpy Jack. You’ll have to explore to figure out what does what, but you can change the high score this way, or you can change the collision detection properties of the brick walls so that you can automatically go through them even when you appear to be running into them.

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