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Mobile Strike – Tips, Tricks, Cheats, How to Beat, and Strategy Guide

Mobile Strike is a new modern-day warfare-themed MMO strategy game from Epic War LLC, a new division of Machine Zone, who is most famous for Game of War: Fire Age. This new Android and iOS title, which is promoted by Arnold Schwarzenegger, brings much of what makes Game of War addicting into a new realm, pitting players and alliances against each other from all around the world. Read on for some tips and tricks for Mobile Strike!

You’re going to need all the resources that you can get to construct, research, and train troops, but resources can also be stolen from other players if they are in your active stash. You can hide resources indefinitely if you’ve earned them from finishing missions. All you have to do is not claim the reward until you need the resources. Leave it sitting in your mission box. Leave any bonus resource items sitting in your item box until you need them as well.

Join an alliance as soon as you can because like with Game of War, there’s a lot going on here, raging from alliance-focused missions to full-on moving to the same location so that you can go on team raids and dominate your map. Join a big-spending alliance if at all possible, because every time someone buys an in-app purchase, everyone earns a gift.

While much of what is here is similar to Game of War in practice, one new mechanic is the armory, which allows you to produce weapons and armor using materials and mods. Mods can be found by completing missions; materials can be found in many locations, such as daily missions, outposts, breaking down manufactured items, or purchasing material crates. Mod crates and material crates can also be purchased in the alliance store catalog using Alliance Funds; the leader of the alliance must make the purchasing decision, but you can lobby the leader to purchase a particular good.

Scout a base or a resource tile before you attack it so that you know what you are up against. As the game gets older (or if you play on an older server that had beta testers) you might end up finding abandoned bases. These are easy pickings because they are completely unsecured, but are always producing resources. If you find these, attack them as often as possible.

Gold is the premium currency of the game. You need to connect your game account to Facebook in order to get the Gold Mine, but when you have it, it will let you gift gold to your friends on Facebook and alliance members, as well as receive gold gifts from them.