Sprouts Adventure Walkthrough, Guide, & Tips
Sprouts Adventure Walkthrough
Welcome to the Sprouts Adventure Walkthrough!
Use your amazing powers to guide the bewildered Sprouts by helping them grow food, invent wonderful things and build incredible structures!
Whether you use this document as a reference when things get difficult or as a road map to get you from beginning to end, we’re pretty sure you’ll find what you’re looking for here.
This document gets you going with a helfpul introduction before delving into the complete Sprouts Adventure game walkthrough, with annotated screenshots from actual gameplay!
We hope you find this information useful as you play your way through the game. Use the walkthrough menu below to quickly jump to whatever stage of the game you need help with.
Remember to visit the Big Fish Games Forums if you find you need more help. Have fun!
This walkthrough was created by Chie.
- General Tips
- Sprout Actions
- Power Items
- Buildings and Tasks
- Spells
- Inventions
- Achievements
General Tips
Starting a Game

- From the main menu, you can adjust a variety of settings including music volume, sound volume, and screen size from the option menu.
- There are 5 Sprouts at the start of the game.
- In the description area on bottom of the screen, you can see information about the objects or sprouts you mouse is highlighting.
- On the left side of the UI, there is a section for spells. You will use them to help the Sprouts and interact with the objects in the world. At the beginning of the game, you have the Sun and the Rain Spell, and 9 unlocked Spells that you can’t use yet.
- The Karma points above the Spells area are used to unlock Spells. Refer to the image to see how many Karma points each Spell requires.
- You can get Karma points by accepting offerings from Sprouts, fulfilling wishes from the well and collecting what the Sprouts catch while fishing.
- Some Spells can be cast during the day and others only at night. For example, you can use the Sun Spell in the day time only.
- Maxing you Community Happiness meter will get you a gold star. Click on this start to recharge a random spell.
- Click and drop Sprouts on wild flowers, butterflies or magic stones to increase their life attributes. To make them more productive, you need to keep your Sprouts happy. You can check their condition anytime by mousing over a Sprout and looking at the conditions list in the bottom right corner of the UI.
- Use the world view button to the left of the menu button (the one with a globe icon) to see the Sprouts from above. It is handy option when you are having trouble finding Sprouts, wild flowers, butterflies and magic stones.
- Keep the Sprouts curious, well motivated, and full and rested to get the most out of them.
Sprout Actions

- When Sprouts have a meal sign above their heads, they need to go to the flower garden, get flower on the ground or go to the wind mill to eat. This will charge back up their Full meter.
- Also, you can use some spells like the Magic Flower, the Enchanted Rainbow and Shooting Star to charge up Sprouts’ Full meter.
- When Sprouts have a “zz…” bubble above their heads, they need to go to a hut and get some sleep.
- You can use some spells like the Whistling Wind, the Magic Flower and the Shooting Star to charge the Awake meter.
- Also, you can go to the wind mill to eat a mixed flower dish. Some dishes have the side effect of charging the Sprout’s Awake meter.
- When Sprouts have a red cross sign above their heads, they need to both eat and get some rest badly.
- You will see then that they have really low Full and Awake meters.
Dancing with other Sprouts
- When you click a Sprout and drag to another Sprout, they will dance together and hang out little bit. This does not effect their conditions like Curiosity or Motivation.
- Refer to the image to see what these actions look like.

- Playing with balls, kites, or other inventions are an important way to charge Sprouts’ Curious and Motivated meters.
- To play with a ball, click a Sprout and drag to a ball. All Sprouts can play with one ball together at the same time.
- To play with a kite, click and drag a Sprout to a kite. Next click the Wind spell and cast it on the Sprout with the kite.
- When the Sprouts have really low Curious or Motivated meters, they will become bored and won’t work anymore.
- They need to do something fun like playing with a ball, kite or other inventions.
- Also, they can collect magic stones or you can use spells to charge up their Curious and Motivated meters.
- Refer to the image to see what these actions look like.
Karma Points
- Karma points help you unlock spells.
- Have the Sprouts collect magic stones or butterflies, and sometimes you will receive Karma points. The Sprouts will offer it to you and you must click on it to receive the points.
- Sometimes you can receive Karma points by using the spells, like the Sproutling Egg or granting wishes at the Wishing Well.
- When Sproutlings get educated in the school, you will receive 1 Karma point.
- Fishing gives 1 Karma point each something is caught.
- The Sprouts will need to work quite a bit to finish the game. When they are working at construction their Full and Awake meters will decrease. In construction the Curious and Motivated meters will decrease as well.
- Under 5 years old Sprouts can’t work on adult Sprout projects.
- Drag a Sprout to the garden patch to till the soil and sew a new batch of flowers that the Sprouts can eat.
- When Sprouts completely a weeding task, they will receive 10 points into Motivated. Weeds are circular black holes with vines that appear around the world.
- The pace of the hammering is a signal of their tiredness. Faster hammering means Sprouts are productive, and slower hammering means Sprouts need food or rest or entertainment to be able to work more.

- Click a Sprout and drag it to the stone bridge or the pier. The Sprout will then start fishing.
- After fishing something out of the river you will get 1 Karma point.
- Refer to the image to see what this looks like.
Thinking and New Ideas

- When Sprouts have a black and white light bulb sign above their heads, they are thinking about new buildings or inventions.
- Once this light bulb turns yellow, click it to come up with new ideas. New ideas will be placed on the map for you to either work on or use.
New Sprout
- After building the school yard, that is a good timing to create a new Sprout by the Sproutling egg spell.
- Sprouting eggs will also randomly appear if you have happy Sprouts.
- After you have 12 sprouts in your village, the Sproutling Egg spell with hatch animals instead.
- Follow the instruction in the section “New spell: Sproutling Egg.”
5 Year Old Sprouts

- After becoming 5 years old, young Sprouts can work, fish, garden and do all of the things the adult Sprouts can do.
- You will get a message every time a Sprouting becomes an adult.
- Refer to the image to see what this looks like.
Power items
Types of Power Items

- Sometimes new magic stones, butterflies or flowers appear on the screen. You should click and drag a Sprout to the location to get them.
- To collect power items, click your Sprout and drag it to a power item.
- Magic stones increase your Sprout’s Motivated meter. There are 10 different kinds of magic stones, and you should try to collect them all.
- Also, when your Sprouts complete weeding a spot, your Sprouts increase motivation as well.
- Butterflies increase your Sprout’s Curious meter. There are 10 different kinds of butterflies, and you should try to collect them all. Also, when Sprouts play with the purple mushroom ball, your Sprouts increase their curiosity as well.
- Wild flowers increase your Sprout’s Full meter. When your Sprouts eat in the flower garden, they will become full as well.
- Sometimes your Sprouts may present offering of butterflies or magic stones to you which you can then click on to earn Karma points.
- Refer to the images for the solution.
Collecting Power Items
- Keep checking your Sprouts life attributes in the bottom right corner by placing your cursor over a Sprout.
- When a power item appears on the screen, collect it to increase your current Sprout’s weak attributes.
Buildings and Tasks
Tutorial: The Flower Garden

- Click and drag any of the Sprouts to move them around the world.
- Drag the hungry Sprout marked by the meal sign to the garden below the flower garden to cultivate it.
- Click the Rain Spell and click on the garden to make the plants grow.
- Next, click the Sun Spell and click on the garden. However, you should remember that the Sun Spell works in the day time only, so if it is night you will need to wait for morning.
- Once the plants have grown you can feed hungry sprouts here by dragging them to the field.
- Each Sprout that eats from the flower garden will take one plant of the 8 available away.
- Refer to the image for examples.
Tutorial: Building the Hut

- One of the Spouts will have a light bulb sign above its head. This means it has an idea for a new structure or improvement. Ideas will come faster when the sprouts get more curious.
- If you miss this sprout that has idea, all Sprouts will become too sleepy to work, and won’t be able to do anything, so don’t let it go too long before clicking on it.
- Click the Sprout’s light bulb sign to receive the new idea for building a hut.
- After the hammer sign show up in the area beside the garden, click and drag all Sprouts to the construction area to build the hut.
- Keep all sprouts working on building the hut. Feed them when they get hungry, let them play with the red ball if they are too bored, and use them to find magic rocks for motivation.
- It takes at least one day to build the hut when using all Sprouts.
- After building the hut, three Sprouts at once can get sleep there.
- Refer to the images for examples.
Building the Stone Bridge

- The second structure you need to build is the stone bridge,.
- When one of the Sprouts has black and white light bulb sign, a new idea is coming soon. Click him and increase his curiosity to make this new idea come up faster.
- After building the hut, one of the Sprouts will come up the next new idea.
- Click on the Sprout that has an new idea, and increase its Curious meter by playing ball or collecting magic stones.
- When the Sprouts shows a lit light bulb sign above its head, click it, and the Sprout will be able to build a bridge in the middle of the village to go across the river.
- Keep all Sprouts working on building the bridge to build it faster.
- Once finished, 2 Sprouts can get on the bridge and fish for treasures. They can also cross the river and reach the other parts of the island.
- Refer to the image for examples.
Building the School Yard

- The third structure you need to build is the school yard, where adult sprouts can educate Sproutlings.
- When one of the Sprouts has black and white light bulb sign, a new idea is coming soon. Click him and increase his curiosity to make this new idea come up faster.
- The school yard is located in left side of the village, below the purple huge mushrooms.
- After building the school yard, Sproutilings can learn with a teacher. Any adult Sprout can be a teacher, and someone must be in there with the Sproutlings.
- Multiple Sproutlings can be taught at the same time.
- By educating your Sproutlings, you will receive 1 Karma point.
- Refer to the image for examples.
Building the Wishing Well

- The fourth structure you need to build is a wishing well, where Sprouts can go to ask for specific spells from you in return for Karma.
- When one of the Sprouts has black and white light bulb sign, a new idea is coming soon. Click him and increase his curiosity to make this new idea come up faster.
- The wishing well is located on the left side of the map, right about the bridge.
- After building the wishing well that is located in the upper middle of the screen, that doesn’t have water, so your Sprouts can’t use it yet.
- To use the wishing well, click the rain spell and then click on the well. You will see the water fill up to the top.
- Drag a Sprout to the well and the sprout will tell you what spell it wants you to cast. Sometimes that is a gift box, the wind, etc. Once you give it what it wants, you will receive 5 Karma points, and the Sprout will get whatever bonuses come from the spell.
- Refer to the images for examples.
Building the Tool Shop

- The fifth structure you need to build is the tool shop, where Sprouts can go to research new inventions.
- When one of the Sprouts has black and white light bulb sign, a new idea is coming soon. Click him and increase his curiosity to make this new idea come up faster.
- The tool shop is located on the left side of the map, towards the bottom.
- After building the tool shop, Sprouts can work to create new inventions. When Sprouts are working in the tool shop, the curiosity will increase rapidly.
- When you mouse over the tool shop it will tell you if there are no new inventions available to find yet.
- When there is an invention ready to be made, there will be a progress bar.
- Only 4 Sprouts can work in the tool shop at the same time. Sproutlings cannot go in the tool shop.
- Refer to the image for examples.
Building the Windmill

- The sixth structure you need to build is the windmill, where Sprouts go to make meals from collected flowers.
- When one of the Sprouts has black and white light bulb sign, a new idea is coming soon. Click him and increase his curiosity to make this new idea come up faster.
- The location of the windmill is in the middle of the town above tool shop.
- Once completed you will get the “Master Builder” achievement.
- After building the windmill, Sprouts can harvest crops. Once they have harvested some crops, they can make higher quality food with recipes.
- To use the windmill grow the flowers in your garden first. You can grow blue, green or red flowers.
- Click the flower garden when it has flowers.
- Click a Sprout and drag to the windmill, the windmill eatery window will then show up.
- Drag three flowers to the plate as ingredients on the left side of the screen.
- Click the “Make it!” button on the left bottom of the screen to complete it.
- There are 10 recipes, so you need mix all possible arrangements of the flowers. This list represents the max gained by a Sprout, the numbers are not always the same depending on how much your Sprout likes a certain food or if they have the max in an attribute already.
- Red + Green + Blue: Flower Pie( +100 Full +15 Curiosity +15 Awake).
- Green + Green + Green: Flower Lasagna( +100 Full +15 Motivated, Curious).
- Red + Red + Green: Stalk Nachos(+100 Full +10 Curiosity + 10 Awake).
- Red + Green + Green: Stem Salad( +100 Full +10 Curiosity +20 Motivated).
- Red + Blue + Blue: Leaf Stew(+100 Full +20 Awake +5 Curiosity, Motivated).
- Red + Red + Red: Root Soup (+100 Full +15 Awake +15 Motivated).
- Blue + Blue + Blue: Veggie Burger (+100 Full +10 Awake, Curious, Motivated).
- Red + Red + Blue: Three Petal Pasta(+100 Full +20 Awake +10 Curious).
- Green + Green + Blue: Barbecue Petals(+100 Full + 20 Awake +10 Curious).
- Green + Blue + Blue: Pollen Pizza(+100 Full +20 Awake and Motivated).
- Refer to the images for examples.
Building the Second Hut

- The seventh structure you need to build is another hut.
- When one of the Sprouts has black and white light bulb sign, a new idea is coming soon. Click him and increase his curiosity to make this new idea come up faster.
- The spot for the hut is to the left of the windmill, use it as an extra place for Sprouts to sleep.
- Keep making more Sproutling Eggs and use the new food from the windmill to have your Sprouts use less time sleeping and eating.
- Refer to the image for examples.
Building the Zoo

- The eighth structure you need to build is the zoo, a place for Sprouts to go, watch animals, and relax.
- When one of the Sprouts has black and white light bulb sign, a new idea is coming soon. Click him and increase his curiosity to make this new idea come up faster.
- The location for the Zoo is at the very bottom left corner of the map.
- When you first build the Zoo, there will be no more animals. There will be an animal to put in the Zoo on the cliffs on the very left of the map. Click and drag the animal to the zoo.
- Looking around the map you should be able to find another animal, sometimes located at the very top right corner of the map.
- There are only two animals to find for the zoo.
- Drag a Sprout to the Zoo to heighten their curiosity and motivation.
- Refer to the image for examples of where to find the animals.
Building the Pier

- The ninth structure you need to build is the pier, a place for multiple sprouts to go fishing.
- When one of the Sprouts has black and white light bulb sign, a new idea is coming soon. Click him and increase his curiosity to make this new idea come up faster.
- The Pier is located at the very bottom right corner of the screen, over the water.
- 6 Sprouts can fish on the pier at the same time, working the same as the bridge over the river.
- Sproutlings can’t use the pier.
- Refer to the image for examples.
Building the Hot Air Balloon

- The ninth structure you need to build is the Hot Air Balloon.
- When one of the Sprouts has black and white light bulb sign, a new idea is coming soon. Click him and increase his curiosity to make this new idea come up faster.
- The Hot Air Balloon is located at the very bottom right corner of the screen, above the pier.
- Only 1 Sprout can enter at the same time. It will go off screen and eventually return fully curious and motivated.
- Sproutlings can’t use the Hot Air Balloon.
- Refer to the image for examples.
Building the Observatory

- The ninth structure you need to build is the Observatory.
- When one of the Sprouts has black and white light bulb sign, a new idea is coming soon. Click him and increase his curiosity to make this new idea come up faster.
- Only 4 Sprouts can build the Observatory at the same time.
- The Observatory is located on the very top left corner of the map.
- Once completed put four Sprouts in the Observatory, after a little will you will see a cut scene in which the Sprouts find another island of Sprouts in the distance.
- Refer to the images for examples.
Escaping the Island

- Once you find the new island with the observatory, you can try to leave the island.
- Before you can escape the island you will need to have accomplished 4 different tasks:Complete the Hot Air Balloon
Complete and use the Observatory
Have the Earthquake spell
Have the Lightning spell
- First use the Earthquake spell around the large purple egg at the top of the screen. This will put a large crack in the egg.
- Next, use the Lightning spell on the cracked egg. This will break the egg in half and start the final cut scene where the Sprouts escape the island.
- Refer to the images for the solution.
Starting Spell: Sun

- The Sun spell will be available to you at the very beginning of the game.
- It can only be used during the day.
- Click the spell and then click the flower patch after it has been watered to grow the flowers large enough to harvest.
Starting Spell: Rain

- The Rain spell will also be available to you at the very beginning of the game.
- It can be used at anytime.
- Click the spell and then click the flower patch to water it.
- Click the spell and then click a fire to put it out.
- Sproutlings can play in the puddles left by a Rain spell.
- The Rain spell can also fill up the Wishing Well.
New Spell: Sproutling egg

- After collecting 10 Karma points a new spell, Sproutling egg, will be available to use.
- Click the spell and then click on an empty plot of ground to create a new Sproutling egg. You can only place the Sproutling egg at night.
- The Sproutling egg’s status will say “The Sproutling egg seems a bit cold.” or some other clues when you place your cursor over it. You can use the sun spell to hatch the egg and create a new Sprout during the daytime.
- If the Sproutling egg goes ignored for too long it will disappear.
- Place the egg at the end of the night so that you can use the sun spell on it before it disappears.
- The new Sprout is a baby and it can collect power items, but it can’t work on building or do jobs such as weeding.
- Refer to the image for examples.
New Spell: Gift from Above

- After collecting the 25 Karma points the new spell, Gift from Above, will be available.
- Click the item from the spell list and click on an empty space of ground. A Gift from Above will then fall from the sky and be collectable by a Sprout.
- Click a Sprout and drag to the gift that is a black and white checker wrapping paper to increase up to 40 points of Motivated and Curious meters. The gift that is wrapped a green paper will give a Sprouts () points of Motivated and Curious.
- Some gifts are not as good as others, and the Sprout will receive less the 40 points in both.
- Refer to the image for examples.
New Spell: Whistling Wind

- After collecting 45 Karma points, the Whistling Wind spell will be unlocked.
- Click the icon in the Spell list and the click on a sleepy Sprout, the Sprout will then gain 25 points in its Awake meter.
- When your sprout has the purple kite, use the whistling wind spell. The Sprout will increase 25 points in its Awake meter and some Curious and Motivated from using the kite at the same time.
- Refer to the image for examples.
New Spell: Lightning Bolt

- After collecting 70 Karma points, the lightning bolt will be unlocked.
- Click the lightning icon in the Spell list and click it anywhere. All Sprouts will then increase 20 points in their Motivated meters.
- However, all Sprouts will stop working, so you will need to put them back to where they were previously.
- Also, you will start a fire and earn the achievement “fire starter”.
- Use the Rain spell to put out the fire.
- Refer to the image for examples.
New Spell: Vision

- After collecting 100 Karma points, the Vision spell will be unlocked.
- Click the vision icon in the Spell list and then click on any Sprout, and your Sprout will receive 100 points of Motivated and will have a full Motivated meter for a while.
- Refer to the image for examples.
New Spell: Magic Flower

- After collecting 135 Karma points, the Magic Flower spell will be unlocked.
- Click the magic flower icon in the Spell list and click on an empty piece of ground; this will create a Magic Flower.
- Any Sprout that eats a Magic Flower will receive 100 points in its Awake meter and 100 points in its Full meter, maxing them both out.
- Refer to the image for examples.
New Spell: Enchanted Rainbow

- After collecting 185 Karma points, the enchanted rainbow spell will be unlocked.
- Click the Enchanted Rainbow icon in the Spell list and click on empty ground. All the Sprouts in the area will receive 20 points in their Full meters.
- However, after receiving the points, you need to replace all Sprouts on whatever task they were doing before you cast the spell.
- Refer to the image for examples.
New Spell: Shooting Star

- After collecting 250 Karma points, the Shooting Star spell will be unlocked.
- Click the Shooting Star icon in the Spell list and click on empty ground. A Shooting Star will drop out of the sky to this point.
- Click and drag a Sprout to the star to receive max points in all attribute meters: Full, Awake, Curious, and Motivated.
- The Shooting Star spell can only be used at night.
- Refer to the image for examples.
New Spell: Earthquake

- After collecting 350 Karma points, the Earthquake spell will be unlocked.
- Click the enchanted rainbow icon in the Spell list and click anywhere on the screen.
- The Earthquake spell will give all the Sprouts +40 in their Awake and Motivated meters.
- However, after receiving the points, you need to replace all Sprouts on whatever task they were doing before you cast the spell.
- Casting this spell the first time will also crack the large egg at the top of the map.
- Refer to the image for examples.

- After working in the tool shop the first invention, the trampoline, will appear above the tool shop.
- To increase the motivation of sprouts, click and drag them to the trampoline.
- While using the trampoline, the Awake and Full meters will decrease quickly at the same time.
- Two Sprouts may use it at the same time.
- Refer to the image for examples.
Orange ball

- After working in the tool shop, second invention, the orange ball placed randomly on the map, will be unlocked.
- When Sprouts are using the orange ball, their Curious and Motivated meters will increase, the Awake and Full meters will decrease as well.
- There are no differences between the red and orange balls, except for the colors.
- Refer to the image for examples.
Yellow Kite

- After working in the tool shop a third invention, the yellow kite, will be unlocked.
- When your sprout has the yellow kite, use the whistling wind spell. The Sprout’s Awake meter will increase 25 points and some Curious meter will be gained from using the kite.
- There are no differences between the purple and yellow kites, except for the colors.
- Refer to the image for examples.
Barrel Ride

- After working in the tool shop a fourth invention, the barrel ride will be unlocked.
- The barrel ride will appear next to the large waterfall at the very bottom of the screen.
- When a sprout takes a barrel ride, their Curious meter or Motivated meter will increase by 10.
- After the ride is done, make sure the click on the barrel again to retrieve it and the Sprout that took a ride.
- Sproutlings cannot use the barrel ride.
- Refer to the image for examples.
Purple Ball

- After working in the tool shop a fifth invention, the purple ball, will be unlocked.
- When Sprouts are using the purple ball, their Curious and Motivated meters will increase, the Awake and Full meters will decrease as well.
- There are no differences between the red, orange and purple balls, except for the colors.
- Refer to the image for examples.
Blue Kite

- After working in the tool shop a six invention, the blue kite, will be unlocked.
- When your sprout has the blue kite, use the whistling wind spell. The Sprout’s Awake meter will increase 25 points and some Curious meter will be gained from using the kite.
- There are no differences between the purple, yellow and blue kites, except for the colors.
- Refer to the image for examples.
Hang Glider

- After working in the tool shop a seventh invention, the hang glider, will be unlocked.
- Click and drag a Sprout to the hang glider and he will leave the screen flying on it. When the Sprout returns it will have a higher Curious and Motivated meter.
- Sproutlings cannot use the hang glider.
- Refer to the image for examples.
Fire Starter

- Use the Lightning spell anywhere on the ground to get this achievement.
Butterfly Enthusiast

- Collect all 10 different types of butterflies to get this achievement.
- The normal collection of butterflies by your Sprouts will get you this achievement before the end of the game. You don’t need to search for new butterflies.
Sprouts Dozen

- Have 12 Sprouts in your game to get this achievement.
- Keep on hatching Sproutling Eggs whenever the spell recharges and you will have 12 Sprouts in a very short time.
Magic Stone Collector

- Collect all 10 different types of magic stones to get this achievement.
- The normal collection of stones by your Sprouts will get you this achievement before the end of the game. You don’t need to search for new stones.
Weed Eater

- Hoe 100 weeds to get this achievement.
- If you simply hoe every weed you see from the start of the game, you will get this achievement by the end.
- The less weeds you hoe, the less will appear on the map.
- Use the world map to check the area for new weeds.
Master Builder

- After complete building the windmill, you will receive this achievement.
Rainbow Maker

- After create the first rainbow from the spell, you will receive this achievement.
Star Gazer

- Create the Observatory to get this achievement.
Karma Collector

- Collect 500 Karma points to get this achievement.
- This is by far the hardest achievement of the game. Complete this after building all of the structures and creating all the inventions.
- To start getting Karma have 8 Sprouts fish for items, 2 on the bridge and 6 on the pier. You will get 1 Karma per item found.
- Have the other Sprouts collect butterflies and stones. Sometimes they will offer them to you for 2 Karma.
- Make sure to click on the items being offered to you or caught through fishing. They will disappear after a while if ignored.
- Have one Sprout use the Wishing Well. Every fulfilled wish will get your 5 Karma.
- If you still have Sproutlings, put them in the School with another Sprout. This will get you 1 Karma.
Paradise Island

- After discovering Paradise Island, you will receive this achievement.