The Mirror Mysteries Walkthrough, Guide, & Tips
The Mirror Mysteries Walkthrough
Welcome to the The Mirror Mysteries Walkthrough!
A Hidden Object quest is placed upon you to not just save the children, but to help a unique character in very mystical places! Can you solve The Mirror Mysteries!?
Whether you use this document as a reference when things get difficult or as a road map to get you from beginning to end, we’re pretty sure you’ll find what you’re looking for here.
This document contains a complete The Mirror Mysteries game walkthrough featuring annotated screenshots from actual gameplay!
We hope you find this information useful as you play your way through the game. Use the walkthrough menu below to quickly jump to whatever stage of the game you need help with.
Remember to visit the Big Fish Games Forums if you find you need more help. Have fun!
This walkthrough was created by Margie B.
- The game consists of 7 chapters, each varying in length.
- There is only one game mode, which is untimed.
- Find items in a scene to unlock another part of the world in the map.
- There are several mini-games in between levels. You can skip the mini-games after a short while has passed.
- The Skip Puzzle button is located at the bottom of the puzzle.
- When you click randomly on the scene, the screen will freeze up for a few seconds.
- You can enter a Hotspot when you see an area glow in the scene.

- Use the Magnifying Glass in the lower right for a magnified view of the items in the scene.
- You can pick up the Magnifying Glass by clicking on it in the lower right or by clicking on the spacebar on your keyboard.
- This tool can come in very hand when you are looking for really small pieces.
- To release the Magnifying Glass you can right-click your mouse or click it back in the lower right corner.
- The Hint Mirror is located in the lower right. Use it to help you find items in the scene or to see where an item needs to be placed.
- When you click on the Hint, 2 rays of light will circle around a random item on the list. The Hint can also show you the hotspots in the scene.
- The Hints are unlimited but you have to wait for the mirror to recharge before you can use it again.

- Your goal is to find all the items shown in the box at the bottom of the scene. The items are shown in several pieces, once all the pieces from a box have been found all items will merge.
- Once the items have been found in a box, they will either stay at the bottom of the scene or they will go into the “SHARED ITEMS” tray on the right side of the scene.
- The completed items at the bottom of the scene will be labeled as “FOUND-PLACE IT”. These items can only be placed in the current scene.
- The completed items in the “SHARED ITEMS” box on the right can only be placed in a scene other than the one you found it in.
- When you hover over the scene, you will see a silhouette of the item that belongs in that spot. You will also see sparkles appear over areas in which you can place a completed object.
- Grab the desired item from inventory and click it onto the right spot.
- Transparent pieces can only be found after certain tasks have been performed or they can be uncovered in a room that is locked or closed.

- The Map can help you navigate in between Worlds.
- Click on the book in the lower right to access the Map.
- You can use the Map as often as you’d like to go in between locations. This is really helpful to use when you are stuck in a spot and cannot move on.
- The name of each location is shown on the map along with a thumbnail showing you part of the location. Click on the thumbnail of the location you wish to visit.
- The numbers in RED at the bottom of each thumbnail signifies the amount of items you need to find in a particular scene.
- The BLACK number below each thumbnail signifies the number of completed objects that need to be placed back into a room.

- The game will show you the first 3 items in the scene and where they belong.
- The first screenshot shows you the locations of all the fragmented items in the scene. All matching items have been color coordinated.
- Place the completed items as shown in the second screenshot.
- You will be taken to the map after all available items have been placed.
- Click on the book in the lower right corner to travel to another part of the world.

- Pick up the item according to the image in the screenshot.
- The Wooden Spindle and the Chains will go into your Shared Items Tray on the right.
- The Key and the Bolt will be found at a later time.
- Place the completed Boards in the upper right corner.
- Go into the Pendulum World.

- Pick up the items according to the image in the screenshot.
- The Key will go into your shared Items in the upper right.
- Place the Matches inside the Matchbox in the center of the scene.
- The Torn Letter goes in the envelope in the upper right.
- Place the Chain in the Shared Items Tray on the chain hanging in the upper right.
- The Metal Lid goes on the silver container next to the pipe.
- The black piece goes at the end of the pipe.
- Go to the Messy Table.

- Pick up the items according to the markings on the screenshot.
- The Buttons, the White Ceramic Piece and the Dice will go into your Shared Items Tray.
- Place the Bolts in the lower right.
- Go to the Corner Shelves location.

- Pick up the items according to the markings on the screenshot.
- The Gear in the first box cannot be picked up right away.
- The Brushes, the Bottle Stopper and the Thimble will go into the Shared Items Tray.
- Place the Shoestrings on the boot in the lower right.
- The Wooden Spindle goes on the shelf next to the other spindles.
- Place the Buttons next to the button in the middle shelf.
- The White Ceramic piece goes on the broken white mug in the lower right.
- Go back to the Messy Table.

- Place the Thimble on the spoon with oil in the lower left.
- The Thimble fills with oil, click on the Thimble and it will go back into the Shared Items.
- Place the Bottle Stopper on the dripping bottle close to the spoon.
- This screen has been completed. Go back to the Pendulum location.

- Place the Brushes in the white cup in the upper left.
- The Dice go in the box in the lower left.
- Go back to the Lost Cuckoo room.

- Place the Key in the lock. You’ve just unlocked the Clockwork Box.
- Click on the Clockwork Box to enter it.
- Place the Thimble of Oil in the upper right side. The gears will start moving.
- Pick up the Bolt in the lower left corner. A gear will go into your Shared Items once the bolt has been picked up.
- Close out that window.
- Pick up the Key in the upper center of the scene. The Key goes into Shared Items.
- Go back to the Corner Shelves.

- Place the Key in the keyhole of the globe in the upper left to open the small door.
- Pick up the Gear at the base of the snow globe.
- Go back to the Clock Room.

- Place the Gears in the spots according to the screenshot.
- The clock has been fixed. You will receive two mirror pieces which will allow you to enter the next world.

- Please pick up the items according to the markings in the screenshot.
- The Pans go into the Shared Items.
- Place the Tassels on the curtains in the upper right.
- The Chandelier goes in the upper center.
- Place the Stone pieces on the mantle over the fireplace.
- The Antlers go in the upper left.
- Go to the Castle Gate location.

- Pick up the items according to the markings on the screenshot.
- Place the Snowman’s Head on the pile of snow in the lower right.
- Place the Flag in the upper left side of the castle.
- There is an extra location in this scene, click on the entrance to access it.
- Inside the Castle Gate, pick up the 2 Shovel pieces in the scene. Close the window.
- The Gong pieces and the Shovel will be stored in your Shared Items section.
- Go to Castle Kitchen.

- Pick up the items according to the markings on the screenshot.
- There is an extra location in this scene, click on the wooden chest in the lower left to access it.
- Inside the wooden chest you can find the knife pieces, the onion, the paper and the red pepper. Please look at the screenshot for the locations of all these items.
- Close the window out.

- Place the Knife on the side of the white plate in the lower right.
- Place the food items on the white plate in the lower right.
- The Chalices belong in the upper right side of the scene.
- The Pans belong in the upper right corner.
- After the Pans have been placed in their right spots, symbols will appear in the back of them.
- Click on the 3 symbols in the back of the Pans to complete the paper in the inventory box.
- The Bottle and the Paper go in the Shared Items Tray.
- Go to the Old Armory.

- Pick up the items according to the markings in the screenshot.
- The Scarf, the Shield, the Mallet and Armor pieces will go into the Shared Items.
- The extra location in this scene is on the left side of the wall.
- Click on the left side of the wall to trigger a puzzle.

- Place the Paper with the Runes on the swords.
- Your goal is to click on the switches (stones) in the right order shown on the paper.
- Once the paper has been placed, couple of the switches will turn on.
- If any of the Runes are lit, click on them to turn them off.
- Please click on the runes in the order shown in the screenshot.
- Close that window to return to the Old Armory.
- Pick up the 2 items that appear in the niche in the back of the wall.
- Go to the Frozen Garden.

- Pick up the items according to the markings on the screenshot.
- The Logs will go into the Shared Items Tray.
- Place the Birdhouse in the upper right corner.
- The Watering Can parts belong on the watering can in the lower left corner.
- The Shovel belongs on the right side of the steps, by the back wall.
- Once the Shovel has been placed, pick up the stick that appears in the snow.
- Go back to the Castle Gate.

- Click Inside the Castle Gate.
- Place the sticks on the drawbridge lift. Close the window out.
- Place the Mallet in the lower left corner to lift the bridge.
- Pick up the Clipper Part under the bridge. The Clipper goes into your Shared Items.
- This screen has been completed.
- Go back to the Frozen Garden.

- Place the Clippers on the bark of the tree on the right.
- Place the Knit Scarf on the Rose.
- Click on the Rose to pick it up.
- Go back to the Throne Room.

- The Armor Pieces go on the armor on the right.
- Place the Logs in the Fireplace.
- The Gong goes on the stand on the floor.
- The Bottle goes on the small table behind the gong.
- Place the Shield on the left side of the scene. The reflection of the shield bounces off of different things in the room and lights up the fireplace.
- Give the Rose to the King and he will give you 2 mirrors.

- Find the items according to the markings on the screenshot.
- Click on the bookcase on the left to enter Queen Odelia’s Bookcase.

- Pick up the Red Book in the lower right.
- Place the set of Books in the empty slots on the shelf.
- Your goal is to place the books in the correct order.
- Click on two books and they will swap places. Make sure that all the books with the letters on the spine are next to each other.
- The solution from left to right is as follows:A-D
- Pick up the Punch Card in the upper right. It will go into the Shared Items Tray.
- Close out the window.

- The Vases belong on top of the bookcase.
- Place the Hat in the hatbox in the lower left.
- The Chalices go in the lower left.
- You are finished with this area for now. Go to the Blacksmith.

- Pick up the items according to the markings on the screenshot.
- The Torn Note and the Lantern will go into the Shared Items.
- Place the Stepladder below the shelves so you can reach the basket on top.
- Pick up the last piece of the Bucket that appears over the basket. The Bucket goes into your Shared Items.
- You are done for now, go into the Dark Cellar.

- Pick up the Items according to the markings on the screenshot.
- The Lantern goes on the lower left side of the wall. The light shines on the red gem on the wall, you can’t pick it up right now.
- Place the Bricks on the side of the well.
- The Weapons belong in the lower left corner.
- Place the Rope wrapped around the pole on top of the well.
- Place the Bucket with the Crank on the side of the well to fill the bucket with water.
- Pick up the Bucket on the left side of the well to place it back into the Shared Items.
- You are done for now, go to the Workshop.

- Pick up the items according to the markings on the screenshot.
- Place the Jewelry on the lower right.
- The Punch Card in the Shared Items Tray goes onto the slot of the Gem machine.
- Place the Wheel and the Pedal on the lower left side of the table.
- Click on the frame on the left side of the window for a closer view.

- Place the Torn letter from your Shared Items Tray on the upper half of the frame.
- Place the Torn Letter from your Inventory Tray at the bottom in the lower half of the frame.
- The Manual is now visible. This manual shows you the steps for using the machine.
- Close that window out and go back to the Blacksmith.

- Place the Bucket of Water in the lower right corner.
- The Tools belong on the small table.
- Pick up the Pick Head on the Anvil. The completed Pickaxe goes into the Shared Items.
- You are done with this screen; go back to the Dark Cellar.

- Place the Pickaxe on the left side of the wall.
- Click on the red Gem that falls in the lower left and it will go into your Shared Items Tray.
- You are done with this screen, go back to the Workshop.

- Place the Red Gem in the machine’s slot.
- Click on the Levers of the machine to position them in the following manner:Left Lever – All the way up
Right Lever – All the way down
- Pick up the polished red Gem that comes out of the machine.
- Go back to the Queen’s Room.

- Place the Red Gem on the necklace hanging off the gold peacock in the lower right.
- The Queen gives you 2 more mirror pieces.

- Pick up the items according to the markings on the screenshot.
- Once all the pieces in the lower right have been picked up, a wooden box appears, click on it to enter the secret area.
- Inside the Wooden Box pick up all the items marked in the screenshot.
- A knife goes into the Shared Items Tray.
- Close that window out and return to the Hallway.

- Place the Bucket in the lower right.
- The Broom and dustpan go in the lower left, leaning against the wall.
- Place the digging tools in the lower right, next to the bucket.
- Leave this area for now and go to the Alchemy Lab.

- Pick up the items as shown in the screenshot.
- The Herbs go in the upper right.
- The Torn Page goes in the open book.
- Click on the Curtains in the upper right to discover the hidden area.

- Pick up the Cork in the center of the Table Behind the Curtain.
- Place the Spring, the Bottle and a Beaker in the silhouettes for the items. Even though you pick up these items as one unit, they will fall into different parts of the scene.
- Close that window and go to the Statue Garden.

- Pick up the items according to the screenshot.
- Click on the barrel in the lower left to open the hidden area.
- Pick up the Nails and the Berries according to the screenshot.
- The Berries and the Pickaxes go into the Shared Items Tray.
- Close that window and return to the Garden.

- Place the Statue Head on the Statue in the center of the scene.
- The Boards with Mallet go in the upper right side.
- Place the Knife on the mushroom in the lower right.
- Pick up the Mushroom Slices that appear below the shrubbery. The Mushroom Slices go into inventory.
- Leave this scene and go the Mine Drift.

- Click on the items as shown in the screenshot.
- The Blueberries go into the Shared Items Tray.
- Place the Slingshot in the lower right.
- The Pickaxes from the Shared Items go on the left, next to the cart.
- Leave this scene and go back to the Alchemy Lab.

- Place the Red Berries in the cauldron.
- Place the Mushrooms in the cauldron.
- The Blueberries go in the cauldron as well.
- Click on the green curtains in the upper right for a closer view.

- Place the item in the first box at the bottom on the side of the distiller.
- Click on the potion that appears on the table to complete this scene.
- Go back to the Mine Drift.

- Place the Potion in the lower right and the Mors will disappear.
- Place the Wheel and the Oiler at the bottom of the second cart.
- Click on the lever on the side of the first cart to move it aside.
- Pick up the stick that appears on the left side of the wall. This will complete the Tracks.
- Place the Railroad Tracks on the ground on the right side of the carts.
- Click on the lever on the side of the carts to move it once again.
- Pick up the bucket of water against the wall.
- This screen is finished, go back to the Hallway.

- Place the bucket of water on the cement in the lower center. The scoope fills with cement.
- Click on the cement on the scoop and the last item in your inventory will turn into a stone piece.
- Place the stone piece in the hotspot on the right side of the wall.
- You are given 2 more mirror pieces.

- Pick up the items as shown in the screenshot.
- Place the Handkerchiefs on the string in the upper center.
- Place the Books on the dresser on the right side of the bed.
- The Shoes go below the bed.

- Click on the sewing box below the bed for a closer view.
- Pick up all the Buttons inside the Sewing Box.
- The Sewing Box and the Corn on the Cobs go into your inventory Tray. Close the window out.

- Pick up the items according to the screenshot.
- Place the Buttons from the Shared Items on the Jacket on the left side of the scene.
- Place the Apples on the plate in the lower right corner.
- The Corn on the Cobs belong in the lower left corner.
- Click on the right side of the wall for a closer look at Faun’s Secret Stash.

- Your goal is to place the concentric circles in the right order.
- Click on the circles to rotate them.
- Line up the symbols as shown in the screenshot.
- Once the circles are lined up correctly, the center will open.
- Click on the Jar to free the fairy. The Jar will go into your Shared Items section.
- Click on the 2 Pan Flute Sticks.
- Leave this location and go to the Tree House.

- Click on the items as shown in the screenshot.
- The Mugs and the Log go into your Shared Items.
- Place the Axe on the right side of the entrance.
- Go to Magic Glade.

- Click on the items as shown in the screenshot.
- The 3 Logs and the Clock go into the Shared Items Tray.
- Place the Stone Pillar close to the fountain.
- The Jar from the Shared Items goes on the far left.
- Place the Log from the Shared Items over the Jar.
- Click on the Jar of Water to enter it into the Shared Items Tray.
- Go back to the Tree House.

- Place the 3 Logs on the fireplace on the right.
- Once the Fire is lit, pick up the coals as shown in the screenshot. The Heated Iron will go into your Shared Items Tray.
- The Jar of Water belongs on the root of the tree on the left.
- Once the water has been absorbed, the leaves will grow.
- Pick up the leaves as shown in the screenshot. The Boutonniere will go into the Shared Items.
- Go back to the Dining Room.

- Place the Boutonniere on the jacket.
- Pick up the Stone that falls below the jacket.
- The Heated Iron belongs on the vest draped over the chair.
- Pick up the Pan Flute pieces on the vest.
- Place the Pan Flute on top of the chest in the lower left.
- Place the Clock above the entryway in the upper center.
- Place the 3 Mugs on the left, close to the boxes.
- Go back to the Magic Glade.

- The Stones belong on top of the pillar by the fountain.
- Pick up the Flower that appears in the fountain.
- Go back to the Bedroom.

- Place the Mop by the window.
- Place the Flower in the bowl by window.
- You are given 2 mirror pieces.

- Pick up the items according to the markings on the screenshot.
- The Toy Soldier goes into the Shared Items Tray.
- The Stone Vase belongs in the lower right corner.
- Go to the Little Ship.

- Pick up the items according to markings on the screenshot.
- Place the Weaved Basket by the window in the upper right.
- The Toy Soldier goes in the upper right corner.
- Go to the Small Crack.

- Pick up the items as shown in the screenshot.
- The Rope Ladder and the Glue go into the Shared Items Tray.
- Place the Straps and the Drumsticks on the drummer soldier.
- Go to the Toy House.

- Pick up the items according to the markings on the screenshot.
- Place the window on the broken window on the house.
- The wooden logs go in the box in the lower left.
- Place the tube of Glue on the ground, below the window you just replaced.
- Click on the Glue’s Cap and the glue will spill out.
- Click on the Glob of Glue that spills out of the Cap.
- Go back to the Misty Shelf.

- Place the Net over by the Clam on the right.
- Pick up the Clam on the ground and it will go into your Shared Items.
- The Small Rocks belong in the lower right. The Chest opens after this action has been performed.
- Click on the chest to enter a new scene.

- Pick up the items according to the markings on the screenshot.
- The Tools and the Key go into your Shared Items.
- Go back to the Little Ship.

- The Tools from the Shared Items Tray belong in the suitcase in the upper left.
- Place the Rope Ladder on the small boat in the water.
- Click on the Little Ship’s door to enter Inside the Ship’s Cabin.

- Place the Pins on the Ship’s Wheel.
- Pick up the items according to the markings on the screenshot.
- The Shells, the Feathers, and the Flag go into the Shared Items.
- Go back to the Small Crack.

- Place the red Feathers on the nutcracker’s hat in the lower right.
- Click on the nutcracker’s mouth to open it.
- Place the Clam in the nutcracker’s mouth.
- Pick up the Pearl inside its mouth.
- The Pearl Earring goes into the Shared Items.
- Go back to the Toy House.

- Give the Flag to the soldier on the left.
- Place the Pearl Earring on the Bear’s right Eye and the bear will slump over.

- Click on the door behind the Bear for a closer view.
- Place the Key in the lock to crack open the door.
- Click on the piece of Glass inside the doorway, it goes into the Shared Items Tray.
- Go back to the Small Crack.

- Place the Glass Piece on the crack on the glass.
- Pick up the Screw on the water.
- The Leaves go into your Shared Items Tray.
- Go back to Misty Shelf.

- Place the Shells in the lower left corner.
- Place the Leaves in the upper left.
- You receive 2 mirror pieces.

- Pick up the items according to the markings in the screenshot.
- Place the Banister Knob on the railing on the far right.
- The Scrolls and the Hat, and the Pipe go in your Shared Items.
- Go to the Boiler Room.

- Pick up the items according to the markings in the screenshot.
- Place the Gauges on the Boiler.
- The Rolled Carpets should be placed in the lower right.
- Click on the drawer next to the boiler for a closer view.

- Click on the items as marked in the screenshot.
- The Fuses and the Knobs go into the Shared Items.
- Go to the Bathroom.

- Pick up the items as shown.
- Place the Knobs below the sink.
- Click on the middle drawer to open it.
- Click on the drawer again for a closer view.

- Pick up the items as shown in the screenshot.
- The Lighter, the Handle and the Wooden Stand go into the Shared Items.
- Close out that pop-up window to return to the Bathroom.
- Bathroom – Place the Towel, Soap and Toothbrush (all in one) on the side of the sink.
- Go to the Old Lounge.

- Pick up the items according to the image on the screenshot.
- Place the Lamp shades on the chandelier in the upper left side of the ceiling.
- The Wooden Stand goes behind the large mirror on the left.
- The Hat, Tie and Scarf (one piece) go in the lower right.
- Pick up the Pendulum pieces that appear below the scarf in the lower right.
- Place the Pendulum on the grandfather clock on the right.
- Click on the bottom drawer of the dresser against the wall.
- Pick up the Baluster piece inside the drawer. The Baluster goes into the Shared Items.
- Pick up the Book piece inside the drawer.
- Place the Books on the bookshelf on the left.
- A safe appears on the back wall.
- Go back to the Old Hallway.

- Place the Baluster on the railing in the upper left.
- Click on the panel in the upper right for a closer view.
- Place the handle on the hole on the panel.
- Click on the Handle to open the door.

- Place the Fuses on the left side of the fuse box.
- Your goal is to light up all the fuses.
- Click on the fuses in the following order to solve the puzzle.
- Click on FIRST Fuse in the MIDDLE row.
- Click on the THIRD fuse in the BOTTOM row.
- Pick up the Wrench that appears in the lower right after the puzzle has been completed. The Tools go into the Shared Items.
- Close that window to return to the Old Hallway.

- Pick up the Pipe piece inside the closet below the steps.
- The Pipe goes in the Shared Items Tray.
- Go back to Boiler Room.

- Place the Pipe in the upper right side of the boiler to open the furnace.
- Place the Wooden Logs from your inventory box inside the furnace.
- The Lighter goes inside the furnace as well. Steam will come out of the furnace.
- Pick up the Faucet Part in the upper center. The Faucet goes into your Shared Items Tray.
- The Tools belong in the lower center.
- Go back to the Bathroom.

- Place the Faucet on the sink.
- Click on the Hot Water Faucet to start the water. The hot water will steam up the mirror.
- The number “9636” appears on the mirror after the steam hits it.
- Click on the piece of paper below the sink and the code will be entered into your Shared Items.
- Go back to the Old Lounge.

- Click on the safe on the back wall for a closer view.
- Place the Code in the upper left side of the safe.
- SOLUTION – Click on the dial in the following manner:Click on the dial until it reaches number 90 and stop.
Click on the dial until it reaches number 60 and stop.
Click on the dial until it reaches number 30 and stop.
Click on the dial until it reaches number 60 and stop.
- The safe will now open.
- Click on the Mirror Shard that appears in the upper left side of the safe.

- Close the pop-up window to return to the Old Lounge.
- Place the Mirror Shard on the upper right side of the mirror.