Elixir of Immortality Walkthrough, Guide, & Tips
Elixir of Immortality Walkthrough
Welcome to the Elixir of Immortality Walkthrough!
Go undercover in a spectacular castle and unmask a murderer!
Whether you use this document as a reference when things get difficult or as a road map to get you from beginning to end, we’re pretty sure you’ll find what you’re looking for here.
This document contains a complete Elixir of Immortality game walkthrough featuring annotated screenshots from actual gameplay!
We hope you find this information useful as you play your way through the game. Use the walkthrough menu below to quickly jump to whatever stage of the game you need help with.
Remember to visit the Big Fish Games Forums if you find you need more help. Have fun!
This walkthrough was created by prpldva, and is protected under US Copyright laws. Any unauthorized use, including re-publication in whole or in part, without permission, is strictly prohibited.
General Tips & Information

- The Options Menu allows for the adjustment of music and sound volumes (A).
- You may play this game in Windowed or Fullscreen Mode.
- The Hardware cursor may be disabled.
- From the main screen you may manage player profiles (B).
- You may skip mini-games once the skip meter is full.
- Hidden object scenes are random, so your solution may vary.

- In hidden object scenes, the hint is the candle in the lower right corner (E).
- It will change to an hour glass while recharging.
- You must locate all the items on the list to receive the inventory items (F).

- The MENU button takes you to the menu (G).
- The lower left icon is the diary (H).
- Look at the diary to read notes on your accomplishments and tasks (I).
- You can also hover your cursor over the diary to see the current tasks.
- Click on INVENTORY to show/hide your inventory (J).
- Select an item in your inventory to use it, or combine it with another item (K).
- The magnifying glass in the lower right corner will show all the areas that you can interact with in a scene (L).
- Combine items by dropping one item onto another while inside your inventory.
Chapter 1

- Select the sparkling boat in the lower left for a hidden objects scene.
- Locate all the items on the list.
- The EMPTY LANTERN, BOX OF MATCHES, and GAS CAN will go into your inventory.

- Inside your inventory, combine the GAS CAN (A) and the EMPTY LANTERN (B) to get the LANTERN WITH OIL.
- Combine the BOX OF MATCHES (C) and the LANTERN WITH OIL to get the LIT LANTERN.
- Hang the LIT LANTERN on the hook (D).
- When the Occultist appears, click on him to talk and he will give you a clue to turn on the power (E).
- Select the clock for a mini-game (F).

- The object of this mini-game is to set the clock to 10.
- The left lever moves the time back 25 minutes. The right lever moves the time ahead 45 minutes.
- Press the left lever 8 times (8X) and the right lever 3 times (3X) to solve.

- Select the suitcase on the dock for a hidden object scene.
- Locate all the items on the list.
- The CANE will go into your inventory.

- Look at the close-up of the drain; use the CANE on the grate (G).
- Take the LOCK PICK (H).
- Read the newspaper (I).
- Note the lighthouse sign in the upper left (J).
- Note the wooden barrel (K).
- Use the LOCK PICK on the door for a mini-game (L).

- The object of this mini-game is to swap the metal tumblers to match the lock pattern (M).
- Click on 2 pieces to swap positions.
- Click on the handle to raise the pick and better see what needs to be changed (N).
- The door will open when the pick is correctly set.
- Exit the dock through the door to enter the courtyard.

- Select the breach in the wall by the right gate for a hidden object scene.
- Locate all the items on the list.
- The VALVE will go into your inventory.
- Walk down and return to the dock.

- Look at the close-up of the drain grate area.
- Place the VALVE on the drain.
- Click on the valve to open the drain.
- Exit the dock and return to the courtyard.

- Select the base of the fountain for a hidden object scene.
- Locate all the items on the list.
- The STONE EYE and STONE BALL PIECE will go into your inventory.

- Place the STONE EYE into the eye socket on the gargoyle statue (O).
- Take the STONE BALL PIECE from the mouth of the gargoyle (P).
- Note the back of the statue (Q).
- Walk left to the storage yard.

- Select the hole in the wall on the upper left for a hidden object area.
- Find all the objects on the list.
- The GEAR HANDLE will go into your inventory.
- Walk right and return to the courtyard.

- Click on the back of the statue for a mini-game.
- The object is to move the pieces so that a circle is formed in the center.
- Click on a square adjacent to the empty spot to slide it.

- Look at the close-up of the grate on the statue; place the GEAR HANDLE in the center (R).
- Click on the gear handle to turn it; the statue will then rotate.
- Combine the two STONE BALL PIECES inside your inventory (S).
- Place the STONE BALL into the hands of the statue (T).
- This will unlock the right gate.
- Walk right through the gate to the inner courtyard.

- Select the overturned urn in the center of the scene for a hidden object game.
- Locate all the objects on the list.
- The DOORBELL will go into your inventory.
- Walk right into the park entrance.

- Select the overturned cart on the right for a hidden object game.
- Locate all the objects on the list.
- The PICK will go into your inventory.
- Walk left 3 times to return to the storage yard.

- Look at the close-up of the laboratory door (U).
- Replace the DOORBELL and press the button (V).
- The alchemist won’t talk until the chemicals are gone.
- Use the PICK on the rock blocking the grate (W).
- Note the locked door (X).
- Press the doorbell button again and enter the laboratory.

- Talk to the alchemist and he will give you the CROSS KEY (Y).
- Read the note on the wall (Z).
- Walk right 3 times to return to the inner courtyard.

- Look at the close-up of the safe and use the CROSS KEY on the lock (A).
- Take the PRONG PIECE from the safe and combine it with the LOCK PICK inside your inventory.
- Look at the close-up of the door on the servant’s house; use the LOCK PICK on the lock for a mini-game (B).

- The object of this mini-game is to swap the metal tumblers to match the lock pattern (C).
- Click on 2 pieces to swap positions.
- Click on the handle to raise the pick and better see what needs to be changed (D).
- The door will open when the pick is correctly set.
- Enter the servant’s house.

- Read the note in the mail tube (E) and the note on the wall (F).
- Place your suitcase on the rack (G).
- Click on the suitcase and all your clothing will go into your inventory.
- Open the closet and look inside for a mini-game (H).

- Place the clothing in the appropriate places.
- Note that both the shirt and jacket go on the hangar.
- Once you exit the closet, read the note that arrives in the mail tube.
- Walk left 4 times to return to the laboratory.

- Talk to the alchemist (I) then click on the device (J).
- Talk to the alchemist again.
- Select the upper left shelf for a hidden object scene (K).

- Locate all the items on the list.
- The 2 CHEMICAL GLASSES will go into your inventory; give them to the alchemist.
- Exit right to the storage yard.

- Select the drain grate in the center for a hidden object scene.
- Locate all the items on the list.
- The FUNNEL and the LEVER will go into your inventory.

- Look at the close-up of the storage door (L).
- Use the LEVER on the lock (M).
- Click on the lever to unlock the door.
- Walk right 2 times and return to the inner courtyard.

- Select the overturned urn for a hidden object area.
- Find all the objects on the list.
- The BOTTLE will go into your inventory.

- Enter the servant’s house.
- Select the upper right shelf for a hidden object area.
- Find all the objects on the list.
- The BOTTLE will go into your inventory.
- Walk to the left 3 times and enter the storage area door.

- Combine the BOTTLE and the FUNNEL inside your inventory.
- Look at the close-up of the kerosene barrel (N).
- Place the BOTTLE WITH FUNNEL under the spigot and turn the valve (O).
- Look at the upper cubbyhole and see a stuck mail tube (P).
- Click on the tube to send it to the servant’s quarters.
- Note the locked door (Q).
- Select the lower shelf area for a hidden object scene (R).

- Find all the objects on the list.
- The GEAR and the FORCEPS will go into your inventory.
- Use the GEAR on the locked door for a mini-game.

- The object of this slider puzzle is to move the silver piece out of the grid.
- Click on the bars to move them.
- Follow the numbered moves in the screenshot to solve the puzzle.
- Enter the freezing chamber.

- Note the damaged pipe (S).
- Note the freezer (T), and ice hidden object areas (U).
- Select the control panel on the back wall for a mini-game (V).

- The object is to connect the pipes to repair the Freon flow.
- Click on a ring to rotate it into position.

- Select the ice hidden object area on the right.
- Find all the objects on the list.
- The BLOWTORCH will go into your inventory.

- Select the freezer hidden object area.
- Use the BLOWTORCH 5 times on the cabinet to melt the ice (W).
- Click to open the cabinet.
- Locate all the items on the list.
- The FLASK will go into your inventory.
- Walk right 2 times and select the laboratory door.
- Give the alchemist the FLASK, MATCHES, and BOTTLE OF KEROSENE.
Chapter 2
- Walk right 2 times and select the statue base for a hidden object scene.

- Locate all the items on the list.
- The BULLETS will go into your inventory.
- Walk right 2 times to the park entrance; select the overturned cart for a hidden object game.

- Locate all the items on the list.
- The HAMMER WITH CHISEL will go into your inventory.
- Walk left to the inner courtyard and enter the servant’s house.
- Read the message in the mail tube.
- Exit the house and walk left to the courtyard.
- Walk down to the dock.

- Look at the close-up of the barrel.
- Use the HAMMER WITH CHISEL on the lid.
- Take the EMPTY REVOLVER (X).
- Select the boat in the lower left for a hidden object scene (Y).

- Locate all the items on the list.
- The REVOLVER CYLINDER will go into your inventory.
- In your inventory combine the REVOLVER CYLINDER with the BULLETS.
- Combine the EMPTY REVOLVER with the CYLINDER.
- Exit the dock and walk left to the laboratory.

- Look at the alchemist, his body is cold (Z).
- Take the MAIL TUBE from the floor (A).
- Read the message from the castle (B).
- Note the shelf area (C).
- Look at the hole in the wall; use the FORCEPS to remove the SILVER BULLET (D).
- Look at the box for a mini-game (E).
- Note the mail tube launcher (F).

- Place all the glassware into the matching niches.
- The CHEMICAL LIQUID will go into your inventory.
- Select the shelf for a hidden object scene.

- Locate all the items on the list.
- The GLASS TUBE will go into your inventory.
- Inside your inventory combine the GLASS TUBE with the CHEMICAL LIQUID.
- Combine the FULL CONTAINER with the MAIL TUBE.
- Place the MAIL TUBE in the launcher and press the lever.
- Look at the new mail from the master and you will receive the HANDLE.
- Walk right 4 times then walk up to enter the park.

- Talk to the botanist and she will give you a JAR (G).
- Look at the water pump to learn that it is missing a handle (H).
- Walk down to the park entrance and click on the flowers at the base of the girl statue for a hidden object area.

- Locate all the reptiles.
- The JAR WITH LIZARDS will go into your inventory.
- Walk left 3 times; enter the storage area then freezing room.
- Select the hidden object area on the right.

- Locate all the items on the list.
- The PIPE PIECE will go into your inventory.

- Use the PIPE PIECE on the leaky pipe (I).
- Look at the alchemist’s body (J).
- Open the freezing chamber and place the JAR WITH LIZARDS inside (K).
- Click on the Freon control in the back for a mini-game.

- Connect the pipes to repair the Freon flow.
- Click on a ring to rotate it into position.
- Look at the freezing chamber, close the door and turn the valve wheel.
- Open the door and take the FROZEN LIZARDS.
- Walk to the right 5 times and enter the park.
- Give the FROZEN LIZARDS to the botanist and she will give you a HALF HEART.
- Walk down 2 times and up once to the castle entrance.

- Look at the close-up of the right winding mechanism; use the HANDLE on it (L)
- Click on the handle to operate.
- Note the symbols around the center.
- The right statue will turn around and another HANDLE will go into your inventory.
- Take the MASK from the face of the statue (M).
- Use the second handle on the left winding mechanism (N).
- Click on the handle; the gears need to be fixed.
- Look at the hidden compartment on the right statue and take the GEARS.
- Use the GEARS in the left statue’s hidden compartment (O).
- Turn the handle on the left winding mechanism.
- Note the symbols around the center.
- Look at the stone face over the door for a mini-game (P).

- Click on the symbols that were on the 2 winding mechanisms.
- Place the MASK on the stone face.
- Enter the castle.

- Select the hole in the roof under the clock for a hidden object area.
- Locate all the objects on the list.
- The SCREWDRIVER will go into your inventory.

- Look at the lockers on the left wall.
- Place the HALF HEART in the matching niche (Q).
- Open the gate and enter the main hall (R).

- Make note of the fire (S).
- Look at the cryptex on the table (T).
- Talk to the physicist who is working on the lift and give him the screwdriver (U).
- Not the library door (V).
- Walk down 3 times, then walk left 2 times and enter the storage area door.

- Select the lower shelf for a hidden object area.
- Locate all the items in the list.
- The WIRE will go into your inventory.
- Return to the castle’s main hall and give the WIRE to the physicist.
- Enter the lift.

- The physicist gives you his ROOM KEY.
- Look at the drawing on the wall (W).
- Place the ROOM KEY into the control and press the red button (X).

- Talk to the physicist (Y).
- Look at the diagram on the table (Z).
- Put the parts (1-6) onto the table stand (A).
- Put the REVOLVER, then the SILVER BULLET (7-8) into the clamp (B).
- Click on the gun to fire and test the experiment.
- Note the portrait with the other heart half (C).
- Read the note on the wall (D).
- Talk to the physicist again and he will give you the KITCHEN KEY.
- Click on the lift to exit (E).
- Put the KITCHEN KEY into the right control; push the button on the key for the main hall.

- Select the table for a hidden object area.
- Locate all the items on the list.
- The WOOD LADLE and the SPLINTER will go into your inventory.
- Use the SPLINTER on the fire to get FIRED SPLINTER.
- Exit the castle and return to the storage room.

- Select the box of vegetables for a hidden object area.
- Locate all the items on the list.
- The VEGETABLE BASKET will go into your inventory.
- Return to the castle and enter the lift in the main hall.
- Press the button for the kitchen.

- Select the back center area for a hidden object scene.
- Locate all the items on the list.
- The POT and the SLEEPING POTION will go into your inventory.

- Look at the recipe for soup on the wall (F).
- Use the POT on the sink (G).
- Press the lever to fill the POT with water then place the POT WITH WATER on the stove (H).
- Add the BASKET OF VEGETABLES to the pot.
- Use the LIT SPLINTER to light the stove (I).
- Look at the box of spice for a memory match game (J).
- Click on lids to find matching pairs of spices until all the lids are gone.
- SPICES will go into you inventory when matched.
- Put the SPICES, then the SLEEPING POTION, into the pot.
- Use the WOOD SPOON to stir the soup.
- Take the SOUP and enter the lift (K).

- Take the lift to the physicist’s room and give him the SOUP.
- Look at the portrait and take the HALF HEART.
- Exit via the lift and return to the lockers in the hall.
Chapter 3

- Place the second HALF HEART into the top left locker to reveal a moon (L).
- Place the object you find in the matching niches.
- The first sequence is: 2 half hearts, moon, elephant, diamond, gear, L, hammer, shield.
- Slide the panel to reveal a dragon (M).
- The next sequence is: dragon, key, horseshoe.
- Hang the bell on the hook (N).
- The next sequence is: sun, moon, fish.
- Place the bell on the arm (O).
- Place the crown and find the code: 4384 (this code is random) (P).
- Exit the lockers and return to the main hall.

- Look at the cryptex; turn the dials to 4384 (this code is random).
- Inside is a SPROUT.

- Select the fallen chandelier for a hidden object scene.
- Locate all the items on the list.
- The PUMP HANDLE will go into your inventory.
- Enter the lift and return to the physicist’s room.
- Talk to the physicist.
- Select the box on the table for a mini-game.

- The object is to move the ball from the bottom square to the top square.
- Make the following moves: U-L-D-R-U-L-D-L-D-R-U-R-D-R-U-L-D-L-U.
- Talk to the physicist again.
- Enter the lift and return to the hall.

- Select the hole in the roof for a hidden object area.
- Locate all the items on the list.
- The SHEARS will go into your inventory.
- Exit the castle. Walk down, right and up to return to the park.

- Select the basin on the lower right for a hidden object area.
- Locate all the items on the list.
- The GLASS SHARD will go into your inventory.

- Look at the close-up of the pump and add the PUMP HANDLE (Q).
- Click on the handle to add water to the well.
- Enter the botanist’s greenhouse (R).

- Select the plants on the center right for a hidden object scene.
- Find all the items on the list.
- The HAND SPADE will go into your inventory.

- Talk to the botanist (S).
- Look at the notes on the table (T).
- Use the HAND SPADE to take some SOIL (U).
- Put the SOIL into the pot; then add the sprout (V).
- Turn on the tap to water the sprout.
- Look at the microscope to see the lens is missing (W).
- Look at the lighting system to see it is missing the glass discs (X).
- Read the wall note (Y).
- Exit the greenhouse and walk down to the park entrance.

- Look at the close-up of the statue and note the medallion (Z).
- Note the gate to the shore (A).
- Use the GLASS SHARD on the hanging disc to trigger a mini-game (B).

- Match the inner items to the outer alchemical symbols.
- Click on 2 inner items to swap positions.
- The top symbol is fire and goes with the flame and the sun.
- The right symbol is earth and goes with a leaf and the foot of man.
- The bottom symbol is water and goes with the fish and anchor.
- The left symbol represents wind which goes with the bird’s wing and the flag.
- Enter the gate to the shore.

- Give the NOTE to the occultist and he gives you the MAGIC SEALS (C).
- Make note of the chest on the beach (D).
- Select the broken boat for a hidden object game (E).

- Locate all the items on the list.
- The SPYGLASS will go into your inventory.
- Exit the shore and return to the castle.
- Enter the main hall and take the lift to the physicist’s room.
- Give the physicist the SPYGLASS and he will give you the MICROSCOPIC EYEPIECE.
- Enter the lift and return to the main hall.

- Look at the close-up of the library door over the stairs.
- Use the MAGIC SEALS on the grid to trigger a mini-game.
- Place the tiles so that each row has the same lower symbol and each column has the same number of dots around the border.

- Look at the chalkboard to see the symbol of the book you need (F).
- Look at the left bookshelf and take the brown book with the matching symbol (G).
- The book will go to the book stand (H).
- Look at the pages; take the lighting diagram (I).
- Look at the book on the floor to see the formula for the elixir of eternal life (J).
- Exit the castle and return to the botanist’s greenhouse.

- Look at the lighting system; replace the GLASS DISCS.
- Click on the three knobs that will create the triangle required from the note.

- Once the lighting system (K) is correct, the flower will grow.
- Look at the close-up of the flower; use the SHEARS to cut the FLOWER (L).
- Use the MICROSCOPIC EYEPIECE on the microscope (M).
- Place the FLOWER on the microscope for a mini-game.

- Click on the floating pollen that matches the list on the right.
- They will be checked off as you find them.
- The FINISHED FLOWER will go into your inventory.

- The botanist has disappeared and the occultist is here.
- Talk to the occultist (N).
- Read the message in the mail tube (O).
- Give the FINISHED FLOWER to the occultist (P).
- Exit the greenhouse and return to the servant’s house.
- Read the message in the mail tube.
- Exit the servant’s house and return to the shore.

- Talk to the skeleton and learn you need the seal and payment to get the key to the chest (Q).
- Enter the grotto (R).

- Select the pit on the left of the statue for a hidden object scene.
- Locate all the items on the list.
- The GOLDEN COINS will go into your inventory.

- Look at the headless statue to discover you need a tool (S).
- Note the right tunnel (T).
- Take the left tunnel to the occultist’s tower entrance (U).

- Select the pit for a hidden object area.
- Locate all the items on the list.
- The STONE with the CRESCENT SYMBOL will go into your inventory.
- Enter the occultist’s room in the upper left corner.

- Talk to the occultist and he will give you the SPHERE (V).
- Look at the note on the wall (W).
- Take note of the ritual area (X).
- Exit, return to the grotto and take the right tunnel.

- Select the area under the fallen stone for a hidden object area.
- Locate all the items on the list.
- The SEALING WAX will go into your inventory.
- Exit the tunnel and return to the park outside the botanist’s greenhouse.

- Select the basin on the right for a hidden object area.
- Locate all the items on the list.
- The HOOK will go into your inventory automatically.
- Exit the park and return to the castle.
Chapter 4

- Enter the main hall and select the fallen chandelier for a hidden object scene.
- Locate all the items on the list.
- The ROPE will go into your inventory.
- Go up the stairs and enter the library.

- Look at the chalkboard to see the symbol of the book you need (Y).
- Look at the narrow bookshelf; take the purple book with the matching symbol (Z).
- The book will go to the book stand (A).
- Look at the pages; take the planets diagram (B).

- Exit the library and enter the lift.
- Take the OBSERVATORY KEY from the dead physicist and place it in the elevator control.
- Press the button to go to the observatory.

- Select the boxes under the telescope for a hidden object scene.
- Locate all the items on the list.
- The BELL will go into your inventory.

- Look at the close-up of the planets display; place the STONE with the CRESCENT SYMBOL onto the post to trigger a mini-game(C).
- After that mini-game is solved, use the SPHERE on the telescope for another mini-game (D).

- The object of this mini-game is to place the stones in the same pattern at the paper.
- Click on a stone adjacent to the empty spot to move to that spot.
- The symbols are also marked on the board.
- Once you place the SPHERE on the telescope, a mini-game is triggered.
- Create the drawings from the papers using the stars.
- Click on the brightest star then click on the next ones in sequence.

- This is the solution for the first drawing.

- This is the solution for the second drawing.

- This is the solution for the third drawing.

- This is the solution for the fourth drawing.
- The CHARGED SPHERE will go into your inventory.
- Use the elevator to exit and return to the grotto.

- Look at the close-up of the headless statue.
- Combine the HOOK and the ROPE inside your inventory to get the ROD.
- Use the ROD on the hole in the statue to retrieve the SEAL RING.
- Exit the grotto and look at the close-up of the skeleton.

- Give the GOLD COINS to the skeleton (E).
- Combine the SEAL RING and the SEALING WAX; use the result on the document (F).
- The skeleton will give you METAL PIECES.

- Look at the chest that was at the skeleton’s feet.
- Use the METAL pieces on the chest for a mini-game.
- Fit all the metal pieces into the inlay area.
- The MEDALLION PIECE will go into your inventory.
- Enter the grotto and enter the right tunnel.
- Look at the close-up of the delivery mechanism on the right wall.

- Add the BELL to the other 2 bells (G).
- Click on the center bell, then the left bell, and finally the right bell to open the compartment (1-3).
- Take the ROSE from the compartment (H).
- Exit the tunnel and go to the park entrance.

- Look at the close-up of the statue.
- Place the ROSE in the open hand (I).
- Take the MEDALLION PIECE from the other hand (J).
- Combine the two MEDALLION PIECES in your inventory.
- Exit to the grotto and return to the occultist’s room.

- Select the coffin on the left for a hidden object area.
- Collect all the items on the list.
- The CANDLES will go into your inventory.

- Place the CHARGE SPHERE in the center of the ritual area (K).
- Place the CANDLES in the ritual area to trigger a mini-game (L).

- The object is to duplicate the pattern shown without retracing any lines (M).
- Click on the lit candle at the bottom and follow the numerical steps (N).
- Use the MEDALLION on the portal in the ritual area.

- Take the SKULL and use it to break the mirror (O).
- Take the MEDALLION PIECE from the broken mirror (P).
- Select the area to the right of the mirror for a hidden object area (Q).

- Locate all the items on the list.
- The SIGIL will go into your inventory.
- Place the SIGIL on the sphere to open the portal.
- Click on the portal to return.

- Read the mail tube message near the occultist (R).
- Select the coffin for a hidden object area (S).

- Locate all the items on the list.
- The OIL CAN will go into your inventory.

- Exit the occultist’s room; select the pit for a hidden object scene.
- Locate all the items on the list.
- The WRENCH will go into your inventory.

- Walk right to the grotto and select the pit for a hidden object scene.
- Locate all the items on the list.
- The LEVER will go into your inventory.
- Exit the grotto and return to the physicist’s room in the castle.

- Use the LEVER on the right side of the device to shut it down (T).
- Look at the close-up of the domed piece and use the WRENCH to remove the bolts (U).
- Look again for a mini-game.

- The object of this mini-game is to move the ball to the hole using the right or left control.
- The solution is: R-L-R-R-R-L-L-L-R-R-L-L-L-R-R-L.
- Take the CHARGED BALL that rolls onto the table.
- Exit the castle and return to the grotto.
- Enter the right tunnel and click on the mansion master’s room.

- The alchemist is alive and wants you to finish the elixir.
- Read the contract on the left floor (V).
- Take the FULL CONTAINER (X).
- Read the blackboard (Y).
- Look at the manufacturing machine (Z).

- Take the finished ELIXIR (B).

- Take the GUN (C).
- Look at the papers; take the CLOCK ELEMENT (D).
- Exit the master’s room; select the area under the beam for a hidden object area.

- Locate all the items on the list.
- The RAG will go into your inventory.

- Exit the tunnel and go to the freezing room.
- Use the ELIXIR on each of the bodies (E).
- Exit the freezing room and go to the docks.

- Note the grate on the left (F).
- Use the CLOCK MECHANISM on the clock to trigger a mini-game (G).

- The object of this mini-game is to set the clock to 8.
- The left lever moves the time back 25 minutes; the right lever moves the time ahead 45 minutes.
- Press the left lever 8 times (8X) and the right lever 2 times (2X) to solve.
- Walk left into the lighthouse canal.

- Select the junk pile in the center for a hidden object scene.
- Locate all the items on the list.
- The FLINT will go into your inventory.

- Walk up the stairs and take the GEAR from the left pillar (H).
- Walk back down and open the faceplate of the rotating mechanism (I).
- Place the GEAR inside for a mini-game.

- Rotate all the rings so that the 4 pins can reach the center.
- This will rotate the lighthouse.

- Walk up the stairs to the lighthouse.
- Take the TORCH (J).
- Combine the TORCH with the RAG (K); add the OIL to the result (L).
- Use the FLINT (M) to light the TORCH.
- Open the round door and use the TORCH to light the lighthouse (N).
- Exit the lighthouse and return to the dock.
- Congratulations! You have completed Elixir of Immortality!