Hidden Mysteries: Royal Family Secrets Walkthrough, Guide, & Tips
Hidden Mysteries: Royal Family Secrets Walkthrough
Welcome to the Hidden Mysteries: Royal Family Secrets Walkthrough!
You were the Queen’s most trusted handmaiden. Yet all it took was a whisper for you to be falsely accused of stealing Her Majesty’s Royal brooch and sentenced to death in the tower of London. You will be doomed to wander within the walls of ‘The Bloody Tower’ for eternity. Unless you can find help…
Whether you use this document as a reference when things get difficult or as a road map to get you from beginning to end, we’re pretty sure you’ll find what you’re looking for here.
This document contains a complete Hidden Mysteries: Royal Family Secrets game walkthrough featuring annotated screenshots from actual gameplay!
We hope you find this information useful as you play your way through the game. Use the walkthrough menu below to quickly jump to whatever stage of the game you need help with.
Remember to visit the Big Fish Games Forums if you find you need more help. Have fun!
This walkthrough was created by prpldva, and is protected under US Copyright laws. Any unauthorized use, including re-publication in whole or in part, without permission, is strictly prohibited.
General Tips

- Hidden Object Scenes and mini-games are often randomized – your solution may vary.
- Hidden Object Scenes will be referred to as HOS in this walkthrough.
- Items in orange in HOS require additional steps to unlock.
- The Map can be accessed through the button (A) in the lower left or through the journal.
- Read your journal for details on your adventure (B).
- Note the map button (C).
- Your inventory is in the bottom panel – select an item to choose it for use (D).
- The inventory panel auto-hides, move your mouse down to reveal the panel.
- Hints are unlimited, but you must wait for the hint meter to refill (E).

- Use the map to determine your current location; you are the yellow dot (F).
- Question marks show locked areas (G).
- Red crosses indicate a task is available to accomplish (H).
Chapter 1: Dungeon and Tower Courtyards

- Take the DEVIL’S CLAW from the trough (A).
- Take the STONE BOWL from the bench (B).
- Read the decree on the wall (C); your fellow handmaiden will unlock the cell and give you 1/5 MONARCH BROOCH.
- Look at the drain and use the DEVIL’S CLAW to unclog it (D).
- Place the STONE BOWL under the flowing water to get a BOWL OF WATER (E).
- Walk forward to exit the cell.

- Take the BAMBOO POLES (F).
- Make note of the guard (G).
- Note the grate on the floor (H).
- Walk right to the torture chamber (I).

- Look at the table and take the KNUCKLE BREAKER (J).
- Look at the Iron Maiden and take the 1/4 POSTER PIECES (K).
- Use the BOWL OF WATER to put out the fire (L).
- Use the STONE BOWL on the cauldron to get the BOWL OF OIL (M).
- Select the far left corner for a HOS (N).

- Locate all the items on the list.
- Items in orange require additional steps.
- Place the 3 eggs into the nest for the full nest (O).
- Place the 3 cards into the hand for the royal flush (P).
- You will earn the STEEL WEDGE.
- Walk down twice to return to the cell.

- Use the BOWL OF OIL on the bench hinges (Q).
- Lift up the bench and look underneath.
- Place the STEEL WEDGE on the loose stone then use the KNUCKLE BREAKER on the wedge (R).
- Read the note from the hole and take the HEAVY BRICK (S).
- Exit the cell and use the HEAVY BRICK on the guard.
- Walk forward to exit the dungeon.

- Talk to the twin ghosts, they are the first of many that will appear.
- Look at the execution area and take the DULL AXE and the PLANK OF WOOD (T).
- Note the termites on the left cellar door (U).
- Note the pigeon feeding area on the left (V).
- Walk forward.

- Take the WELL-WORN SHOVEL (A).
- Note the gate to the False Tower (B).
- Note the gate to the Rose Tower Courtyard (C).
- Select the wagon for a HOS (D).

- Locate all the items on the list.
- Use the paintbrush on the white rose to make the red rose (E).
- Use the honey dipper on the hive to get honey (F).
- You will earn the PIECE OF FABRIC.
- Walk to the left.

- Walk left to the stockade, talk to the ghost, then walk down again (G).
- Look at the sticks and place the BAMBOO POLES there to make the frame (H).
- Place the PIECE OF FABRIC on the frame (I).
- Walk right to the armory (J).

- Take a CANNONBALL (K).
- Take the RUSTY DIRK (L).
- Look at the weapons display and take the STURDY MACE (M).
- Note the grappling hook (N).
- Walk down, then go forward.

- Note the gate to the White Tower (O).
- Note the gate to the Bloody Tower (P).
- Look at the belfry and use the STURDY MACE on the rock (Q).
- You will receive a CUBE OF FOOL’S GOLD.
- Push the belfry to the right.
- Select the table for a HOS (R).

- Locate all the items on the list.
- Place the arrowhead on the shaft to make the arrow (S).
- Use the hammer on the rock to find the amethyst geode (T).
- You will earn the EMPTY GLASS JAR.
- Walk down 3 times to the cellar entrance.

- Use the EMPTY GLASS JAR on the left cellar door to get the JAR OF TERMITES (U).
- Return to the armory and look at the weapons display.
- Use the JAR OF TERMITES to free the GRAPPLING HOOK (V).
- Return to the torture chamber and select the back left corner for a HOS.

- Locate all the items on the list.
- Use the match on the candle to get the lit candle (W).
- You will earn the METAL RING.
- Exit the cellar and walk forward.
- Look at the False Tower Gate for a mini-game.

- Place the CUBE OF FOOL’S GOLD in the center square to activate the mini-game (X).
- Rotate the wheels so that the elements in the gold outline (Y) increase in complexity from 1 circle to 4.
- Enter the False Tower.

- Note the large skeleton head (A).
- Note the door on the right (B).
- Enter the door on the left. (C).

- Look at the overhead grate (D).
- Look in the well and take the STRONG ROPE (E).
- Note the key in the bucket (F).
- Return to the torture chamber.

- Note the drill press on the right (G).
- Look at the rack (H).

- Place the GRAPPLING HOOK on the barred window (I).
- Attach the STRONG ROPE to the grappling hook (J).
- Turn the wheel on the rack (K) and you will get the BAR OF METAL and the SNAPPED ROPE FRAGMENTS.
- Walk down then look at the drill press on the right.

- Place the PLANK OF WOOD into the device (L).
- Place the BAR OF METAL into the control at the top (M).
- Turn the bar to make the STOCKADE TOP.
- Take the SCREW OF WOOD that remains (N).
- Return to the stockade area.

- Place the STOCKADE TOP over the skeleton (O).
- Take the HUMAN SKULL once the ghosts are gone (P).
- Walk down once.

- Look at the stretcher and use the SNAPPED ROPE FRAGMENTS to get the REPAIRED STRETCHER (Q).
- Walk down 3 times and use the REPAIRED STRETCHER on the guard to get the STRETCHER WITH GUARD (R).
- Return to and enter the False Tower; look at the giant skull for a mini-game.

- Place the HUMAN SKULL into the empty spot to trigger the mini-game.
- Press the green button (S) to briefly see the color of the skulls eyes and the alcoves.
- You must wait for the button to recharge before you can use it again.
- You must place skulls into the alcove with the same color eyes, but you can only move the skulls when the eyes are gray.
- Select 2 skulls to swap positions. Skulls will lock into place when correct after you press the button.
- Our start positions (T) and solution are shown here (U).
- The start positions are randomly generated.
- Enter the door on the left; look into the well and take the GIBBET KEY.
- Exit the tower and walk to the left, go forward twice, then walk to the right.

- Use the GIBBET KEY on the gibbet (V).
- Place the STRETCHER WITH GUARD into the gibbet (W).
- Once the gate opens, walk forward (X).
Chapter 2: Graveyard and Church

- After talking to the ghosts, you will receive the GATE KEY.
- Take the SADDLE (A).
- Note the way towards Whitehall palace (B).
- Look at the statue to see it is missing something (C).
- Note the bridge to the Globe Theater is out (D).
- Note the path towards Westminster Abbey (E).
- Enter the stables (F).

- Take the PRYING BAR (G).
- Open the window and take the FINE STEEL SCISSORS (H).
- Note the grindstone is missing a belt (I).
- Select the back stall for a HOS (J).

- Locate all the items on the list.
- Use the cheese on the mouse hole to find the mouse (K).
- You will earn the LARGE BRUSH.
- Exit the stables and walk to the right, then go forward twice.

- Take the UNLIT TORCH off the bench (L); you need to light the torch using any flame in the game.
- You can walk down and use the UNLIT TORCH on the flame near the grave to get the LIT TORCH (M) or you can walk down once from the grave, zoom into the front entrance of Westminster Abbey, and use the UNLIT TORCH on that flame to get the LIT TORCH.
- Users with smaller monitors and resolutions will not be able to see the torch near the grave and must go to Westminster Abbey.
- Return to the area where you originally picked up the unlit torch and use the LIT TORCH on the brazier (N).
- After talking to the ghost, enter the mausoleum (O).

- Take the ROSE SEEDS (P).
- Note the sarcophagus (Q).
- Use the FINE STEEL SHEARS on the vines (R).
- Select the wall plaques for a mini-game (S).

- Arrange the plaques clockwise from youngest to oldest. The top center (youngest) plaque is locked in place (T).
- Select 2 plaques to swap positions; press on the center button (U) to see which plaques are correct.
- You will earn the METAL SUN.
- Select the sarcophagus for a HOS.

- Locate all the items on the list.
- You will earn the SILVER LOCKET.
- Exit the mausoleum, then walk forward.

- Use the GATE KEY to unlock the gate (B).
- Walk forward to the church (C).

- Take the LEATHER BELT (D).
- Note the pulpit (E).
- Look at the stove and place the CANNONBALL in the top hole (F).
- Walk down 4 times.

- Look at the entrance to Westminster Abbey and read the plaque to learn the bell must chime 3 for the doors to open (G).
- Look at the angel for a mini-game (H).

- Place the METAL SUN into the carving (I).
- Read the engraving for the steps to follow (J).
- Move the outer piece over the numeral I (K).
- Turn the arrow to point to the tree with no leaves for winter (L).
- Press the sun to solve and receive the BRONZE LETTER ‘N’.
- Walk down once.

- Look at the bridge to the globe and use the LARGE BRUSH on the tar to get the TAR-COVERED BRUSH (M).
- Enter the stables, look at the grindstone and place the LEATHER BELT on the wheel (N).
- Use the DULL AXE on the grindstone to make the SHARPENED AXE (O).
- Exit the stables and go to the right twice.

- Place the SILVER LOCKET and the CLUTCH OF LILIES on the casket (P).
- Use the WELL WORN SHOVEL to rebury the casket (Q).
- Use the RUSTY DIRK on the knothole of the tree to get STICKY SAP (R).
- Place the STICKY SAP on the tombstone (S), followed by the BRONZE LETTER ‘N’ (T).
- Take the 1/4 CREST PIECE (U).
- Walk forward and talk to the ghost; he will give you the BELL CLAPPER.
- Walk forward twice into the church and climb the ladder by the stove on the right.

- Use the SHARPENED AXE on the slats (V).
- Place the BELL CLAPPER inside the bell (W).
- Push the bell to ring it; you will automatically turn to watch the abbey doors open.
- Walk down 5 times and enter the abbey, then walk forward and select the shields over the altar for a mini-game.

- Put the crests in order from the least detailed in the upper left to the most detailed in the lower right corner (X).
- Select 2 crests to swap positions.
- Take MARY’S DEATH MASK from the compartment that opens below the shields.
- Walk down 5 times and select the table for a HOS.

- Locate all the items on the list.
- Place the 3 reeds with the others to make the pan flute (Y).
- You will earn the DRIED CORN.
- Walk down 3 times.

- Look at the pigeon feeding area and place the DRIED CORN on the tray (A).
- Take the CARRIER PIGEON once it lands on the tray (B).
- Walk forward, enter the False Tower on the right, then enter the door on the right.

- Look at the executioner’s block and place MARY’S DEATH MASK into the bucket (C).
- After talking to the ghost, you will receive the BIBLE and the 2nd piece of the MONARCH BROOCH.
- Return to the small church past the graveyard and Westminster Abbey.

- Look at the pulpit and place the BIBLE on the top (D).
- Take the GILDED ROSE (E).
- Walk down 9 times and look at the Rose Tower gate for a mini-game.

- Place the GILDED ROSE in the top slot to trigger the mini-game (F).
- The rose will fall to the bottom; you need to turn the bumpers so the rose will fall into the center bottom slot (G).
- Our solution was to flip 2 bumpers (H); your solution may vary.
- Walk forward.

- After speaking with the ghost, you will receive an OCTAGONAL TILE.
- Note the pile of barrels on the right (A).
- Note the entrance to the Rose Tower (B).
- Enter the left door to the fishing hut area (C).

- Take the 2/4 CREST PIECE (D).
- Note the pump is missing a gear (E).
- Enter the fishing hut (F).

- Look at the shelf and take the FISHING NET (H).
- Note the spider web (I).
- Select the buckets for s HOS (J).

- Locate all the items on the list.
- You will earn the WOODEN GAFF.
- Walk down twice, then enter the Rose Tower.

- Use the ROSE SEED on the dead vines (K).
- Walk up the stairs (L).
- Take the KNIGHT’S SHIELD (M).
- Note the window (N) and the locked door (O).
- Walk down 5 times to the dungeon.

- Look at the grate and use the WOODEN GAFF to get the RUSTY GEAR (P).
- Return to the front of the fishing hut.

- Look at the pump and place the RUSTY GEAR in the center (Q).
- Once the hose bursts, use the TAR-COVERED BRUSH on the leak (R).
- Look at the water and use the FISHING NET to catch the RIVER SALMON (S).
- Walk down and enter the Rose Tower.

- Take some ROSE PETALS (U).
- Walk up the stairs.
- Look out the window and use the PRYING BAR to knock a stone loose from the balcony (V).
- Walk down twice and select the barrels for a HOS.

- Locate all the items on the list.
- Use the corkscrew on the barrel to find the gunpowder (W).
- You will earn the GUNPOWDER.
- Return to Westminster Abbey, go inside and look at the floor for a mini-game.

- Place the OCTAGONAL TILE in the empty spot to activate the mini-game.
- Swap and rotate tiles to light the colored paths (A).
- Select 2 tiles to swap positions; outer tiles can only swap with outer tiles and inner tiles can only swap with inner tiles.
- Use the buttons in the center to rotate the tiles; each ‘petal’ points to the tile it rotates (B).
- Enter the underground chamber that opens.

- After talking to the ghosts, take the BUNCH OF CORIANDER (C).
- Exit the chamber, walk forward and look at the altar.
- Use the candle to start the mixture burning and the INCENSE BRAZIER will go into your inventory (E).
- Return to the underground chamber and hang the INCENSE BRAZIER on the hook (F).
- After speaking to the ghosts, you will receive the SIGIL OF HOUSE LANCASTER.
- Return to the Rose Tower, enter and walk up the stairs twice.

- Look at the dais and place the SIGIL OF HOUSE LANCASTER in the indentation (G).
- After you speak with the ghost, you will earn the 3/4 CREST PIECE and 3/5 pieces restored on the MONARCH BROOCH.
- Walk down 4 times and select the wagon for a HOS.

- Locate all the items on the list.
- Use the knife on the apple to find the worm (H).
- You will earn the BUNCH OF CARROTS.
- Return to the square in front of the stables.

- Look at the statue and place the KNIGHT’S SHIELD on his arm (I).
- Take the 4/4 CREST PIECE (J).
- Enter the stables (K).
- Give the horse the BUNCH OF CARROTS (L).
- You will receive the BRIDLE.
- Exit the stables and walk to the left.
Chapter 3: Whitehall and the Globe

- Note the gate to the dovecote (M).
- Note the horses in the fountain (N).
- Look at the gate to Whitehall Palace and place the 4 CREST PIECES into the indentation (O).

- Note the cabinet is missing a handle (P).
- Take the 2/4 POSTER PIECES (Q).
- Walk forward to the garden (R).

- Take the LADDER (S).
- Note the fountain (T).
- Look at the freshly disturbed ground (U) and the roses (V).
- Walk down 3 times to the square outside the stables.

- Look at the bridge and place the LADDER over the hole (W).
- Walk forward and talk to the ghost (X).
- Note the place for the missing poster (Y).
- Take the HUNGRY FROG (Z).
- Return to and enter the fishing hut by the Rose Tower.

- Look at the shelf and use the HUNGRY FROG on the spider web (A).
- Remove the web and take the 3/4 POSTER PIECES (B).
- Select the buckets for a HOS (C).

- Locate all the items on the list.
- You will earn the DOVE PENDANT.
- Return to the courtyard outside the stables and walk to the left.

- Look at the dovecote door and place the DOVE PENDANT into the emblem (D).
- Enter the dovecote and give the RIVER SALMON to the cat (E).
- Place the CARRIER PIGEON in the nest (F).
- Once the pigeon flies away, take the 4/4 POSTER PIECES that falls to the ground (G).
- Return to the front of the Globe Theater.

- Look at the spot for the poster and place the 4 POSTER PIECES on the wall to trigger a mini-game (H).
- Restore the torn poster by placing the pieces jigsaw-style (I).
- Adjacent pieces will snap together.
- Walk forward into the theater and look at the curtain for a mini-game.

- Raise the curtain exactly the right amount using the ropes and bags (J).
- If you raise it too high, the curtain will come back down.
- Pull the bags K-L-M to open the curtain.

- Look at the trapdoor and place the METAL RING on it as a handle (O).
- Enter the trapdoor.

- After talking to the ghost, you will receive the BEDCHAMBER KEY (P).
- Take the CANE (Q).
- Select the bookcase for a HOS (R).

- Locate all the items on the list.
- You will earn the GARDEN TROWEL.
- Walk down 3 times, then go left to Whitehall Palace.
- Walk forward twice to the garden.

- Look at the fountain and use the CANE to get the ARMOIRE HANDLE (S).
- Look at the rose bush; use the STAGEHAND GLOVES to find the 1/4 SCRIPT PAGES (T).
- Walk down once.

- Look at the cabinet and attach the ARMOIRE HANDLE (U).
- Open the cabinet door and take the 2/4 SCRIPT PAGES (V).
- Look at the door and use the BEDCHAMBER KEY on the lock (W).
- Enter the bedchamber.

- Look at the vanity and take the 3/4 SCRIPT PAGES (A).
- Move the hairbrush and take the HAIRPIN (B).
- Note the padding in the bed (C).
- Return to the garden.

- Look at the dirt and use the GARDEN TROWEL to dig (D).
- Use the HAIRPIN to open the chest (E).
- Take the 4/4 SCRIPT PAGES (F).
- Return to the Globe Theater and enter the trapdoor on the stage.
- Give the SCRIPT PAGES to the ghost and you will receive the CHUNK OF ALABASTER.
- Select the bookcase for a HOS.

- Locate all the items on the list.
- You will earn the HAND DRILL.
- Walk down 5 times and look to the left at the door to the White Tower for a mini-game.
Chapter 4: The White and Bloody Towers

- Place the CHUNK OF ALABASTER in the niche to trigger the mini-game (A).
- Select matching pairs of tiles until all are chosen.
- Correct pairs will connect with an energy beam.
- Enter the White Tower.

- After talking to the ghost, you will receive the STIRRUPS.
- Enter the left door; talk to the twin ghosts and receive the LARGE RUBY.
- Lift the floor tile and take the REINS (B).
- Note the skeleton on the throne (C).
- Walk down twice to exit the White Tower.
- Look forward to the entrance of the Bloody Tower for a mini-game.

- Place the LARGE RUBY in the niche to trigger the mini-game (D).
- You must pull back all the spikes; selecting a spike will move the spikes on either side as well.
- Select the following spikes: E-F-G-H-I.
- Enter the Bloody Tower.

- After talking to the twin ghosts, walk up the stairs.
- Look through the telescope at the White Tower (J).
- Look at the table; take the EMPTY BOTTLE and the CANDLE LIGHTER (K).
- Use the CANDLE LIGHTER on the candle to get the LIT CANDLE LIGHTER (L).
- Return to the square outside the stables, then walk to the left.

- Look at the fountain and place the SADDLE, REINS, BRIDLE, and STIRRUPS on the horse (M).
- Enter the secret passageway (N).

- Walk forward to the wine cellar.
- Look at the barrel on the right and place the EMPTY BOTTLE under it (O).
- Use the HAND DRILL on the barrel to pour wine into the bottle (P).
- Take the KING’S VINTAGE once the bottle is full.
- Select the wine rack for a HOS (Q).

- Locate all the items on the list.
- You will earn the MINING PICK.
- Walk down once.

- Use the MINING PICK to open the cracked wall (R).
- Walk down twice and enter the stables.

- Look at the grindstone and use the AZURITE CRYSTAL on the wheel to get POWDERED CRYSTAL (T).
- Select the far stall for a HOS (U).

- Locate all the items on the list.
- You will earn the FUNNEL.
- Return to the wine cellar under the Whitehall Palace fountain.

- Look at the table and place the KING’S VINTAGE on top (A).
- Place the FUNNEL on the King’s Vintage (B).
- Place the POWDERED CRYSTAL into the funnel (C).
- Use the SCREW OF WOOD to remove the CORK from the neighboring bottle (D).
- Place the CORK in the King’s Vintage then take the POISONED WINE.
- Select the wine rack for a HOS.

- Locate all the items on the list.
- You will earn the CLOTH SCISSORS.
- Walk down twice, then enter Whitehall palace and walk up the stair to the bedroom.

- Look at the bed and use the CLOTH SCISSORS to cut a hole (E).
- Take the COTTON BATTING (F).
- Return to the White Tower and go inside.
- Give the POISONED WINE to the ghost (G).

- Once the ghost leaves, take RICHARD’S CORONET (H).
- Enter the left door.
- Look at the throne and place RICHARD’S CORONET on the head of the skeleton (I).
- Take the ROYAL SEAL from the throne (J).
- After talking to the twin ghosts, you will have the 4/5 piece of the MONARCH BROOCH.
- Walk down twice to exit the White Tower, then walk forward to enter the Bloody Tower.

- Note the bricked section of the wall (K).
- Look at the doors and place the ROYAL SEAL into the circle (L).
- Walk forward.
- Take the RAMROD (M).
- Note the 2 coffins (N).
- Walk down twice, enter the White Tower, then walk through the right door.

- Take the CANNONBALL (O).
- Read the cannon instructions (P).
- Look at, then open the cannon (Q).
- Place the GUNPOWDER, COTTON BATTING, and CANNONBALL into the compartment (R).
- Use the RAMROD on the right end of the cannon (S).
- Use the LIT CANDLE LIGHTER to light the cannon (T).
- Return to the Bloody Tower.

- Look in the hole made by the cannonball and take the PRINCES’ BONES (U).
- Walk forward, look at and open the 2 coffins and place the PRINCES’ BONES inside (V).
- After talking to the twin ghosts, the final piece of the MONARCH BROOCH is restored.
- Congratulations! You have completed Hidden Mysteries: Royal Family!