Maestro: Dark Talent Walkthrough, Guide, & Tips
Maestro: Dark Talent Walkthrough
Welcome to the Maestro: Dark Talent Walkthrough
Diva’s dark talent claims another victim – can you stop her before the curtain falls?
Whether you use this document as a reference when things get difficult or as a road map to get you from beginning to end, we’re pretty sure you’ll find what you’re looking for here.
This document contains a complete Maestro: Dark Talent game walkthrough featuring annotated screenshots from actual gameplay!
We hope you find this information useful as you play your way through the game. Use the walkthrough menu below to quickly jump to whatever stage of the game you need help with.
Remember to visit the Big Fish Games Forums if you find you need more help. Have fun!
General Tips
- This is the official guide for Maestro: Dark Talent.
- This guide will not mention each time you have to zoom into a location; the screenshots will show each zoom scene.
- Hidden-object puzzles are referred to as HOPs. This guide will not show screenshots of the HOPs, but it will mention when a HOP is available and the inventory item you’ll collect from it.
- This guide will give step-by-step solutions for all puzzles that are not random. Please read the instructions in the game for each puzzle.
Chapter 1: Diva’s Concert

- Open and read the note.
- Talk to the gendarme (A).
- Take the RAKE (B).
- Use the RAKE (C); take the APPLE (D).
- Walk forward and forward again.

- Talk to the man.
- Reassemble the Medallion and take it (E).
- Select the Medallion (F).

- Talk to the man and take the KEY (G).
- Give the APPLE to the otter and take the SUN (H).
- Walk down.

- Place the SUN and turn it; take the CHIP HALVES (I).
- Place the CHIP HALVES for a mini-game (J).
- Solution: Turn disc 1, take a segment from disc 1, turn center 1x, swap 2, center 5x, take 3, center 2x, place 1, turn 6, center 1x, swap 6, center 2x, take 4, center 3x, turn 7, swap 7, center 2x, turn 5, swap 5, center 6x, place 3, center 1x, turn 8, swap 8, center 4x, place 4.
- You receive a GEAR.
- Walk down.

- Open the suitcase with the KEY and take the GLASS CUTTER and PAPER (K); open the box, squeeze the tube and take the BANDAGE (L).
- Walk forward twice.

- Place the BANDAGE (M); take GEMS 1/2 (N).
- Place the GEAR and play the HOP (O).

- HOP puzzle solution (P).
- You receive a CANE (Q).
- Walk down twice.

- Access the CANE and assemble it (R).
- Use the CANE and take the BALL and BELLS (S).
- Walk forward.

- Give the BALL to the otter and take the KEY (T).
- Open the gate with the KEY (U).
- Go forward.

- Place the BELLS, turn the handle and take the METAL PATTERN (V).
- Walk down twice.
- Place the METAL PATTERN and push the patterns in order (W); take the CHEST (X).
- Walk forward.

- Access the CHEST, use the GLASS CUTTER and take GEMS 2/2 (Y).
- Access the Medallion, place the GEMS and take the Medallion (Z).
- Use the Medallion (A).
- Go inside the Theater.
Chapter 2: Inside the Opera

- Talk to Kate (B).
- Remove the sheet and play the HOP to receive a CHAIN (C).
- Go left.

- Listen at the door (D).
- Take the OPERA HOUSE and use the CANE (E).
- Open the chest by opening the latches in the correct order; take the SHIELD (F).
- Walk down.

- Place the SHIELD. Turn the center until the metal bar connects a set of swords with a shield, then move the swords to the shield (G); repeat and take the KEY (H).
- Go left.
- Unlock the door with the KEY; turn the handle (I).
- Go forward.

- Take the FLUTE (J).
- Open the bag and take the PEARLS (K).
- Tip over the chair and play the HOP to receive the CLOCK (L).

- Put the ladder upright (M).
- Take the KEROSENE LAMP (N).
- Pull the four levers; take the FACE EMBLEM (O).

- Place the OPERA HOUSE (P) for a mini-game (Q).
- Take the INK (R).
- Walk down.

- Use the PEARLS (S); take the GRAMOPHONE NEEDLE (T).
- Place the FACE EMBLEM and turn it twice (U); take DOOR FIGURE 1/2 and the SCREWDRIVER (V).
- Go forward.

- Place the GRAMOPHONE NEEDLE, turn the handle and take DOOR FIGURE 2/2 (W).
- Walk down twice.
- Place the DOOR FIGURES and move them both (X).
- Go right.

- Access the CLOCK, remove all screws with the SCREWDRIVER and take the six GEMS (Y).
- Access the Medallion and place the GEMS (Z).
- Use the Medallion (A).

- Open the cabinet, move the urn, open the cloth and take the STATUE and SILVER STAR (B).
- Place the CHAIN (C).
- Attach the chain to the crank (D).
- Turn the crank (E).

- Walk down.
- Place the FLUTE and DRUMSTICK and move them both (G); take MUSIC CHIPS (H).
- Go right.

- Place the MUSIC CHIPS for a mini-game (I).

- Take the CHEST (J).
- Access the PAPER and use the INK to receive a DRAWING (K).
- Access the STATUE, place the DRAWING and move the statue’s arm and head; take the BUTTON (L).
- Access the CHEST, place the BUTTON and push the buttons in order (M); take the GEMS (N).
- Walk down.

- Access the Medallion and open it; place the two sets of GEMS (O).
- Use the Medallion (P).
- Go forward.

- Open the bag with the SCISSORS and take the KEY; open and read the letter (Q).
- Open the curtain (R).
- Take the HORSE (S).
- Go to the Backstage area.

- Play the HOP to receive the BIRD (T).
- Place the HORSE for a mini-game (U).
- Go to the Stage.

- Place the BIRD (W); take METAL TILE 2/2 (X).
- Go to the Props Room.
- Place the METAL TILES and slide them into place (Y); take the PLIERS (Z).
- Go to the Stage.

- Tear the cushion twice, remove two bolts with the PLIERS and take the CIRCLE (A).
- Walk down.
- Play the HOP to receive the PIANO KEY (B).
- Go right.

- Place the CIRCLE and turn all circles (C).
- Go left.
Chapter 3: The Gardens

- Remove the cobblestones and take the KNIGHT (D).
- Go forward.

- Take the HUB (E).
- Place the KNIGHT, take GEAR 1/3, open the paper bag and take the OIL CAN (F).
- Move the otter (G).
- Move the shards and soil and take GEAR 2/3 (H).
- Go forward.

- Talk to Diva (I).
- Take the RIM and SPOKES (J).
- Use the OIL CAN and take the PIANO KEY and MATCHES (K).
- Walk down twice.

- Place the 2 PIANO KEYS, push them in the right order and take the METAL ROSE (L).
- Use the MATCHES (M); take PUZZLE PIECES 1/3 (N).
- Walk forward.

- Place the METAL ROSE (O).
- Go right.
- Open the suitcase and play the HOP to receive the BRIDLE (P).
- Take the BASKET (Q).
- Move the branches, place the BASKET, move the apples and take the BASKET OF APPLES (R).
- Walk down and forward.

- Access the HUB, attach the SPOKES and RIM and take the WHEEL (S).
- Place the WHEEL (T).
- Place the BRIDLE (U) and BASKET OF APPLES (V).

- Open the cart and take the NUT (W).
- Go down and right.

- Play the HOP to receive PUZZLE PIECES 2/3 (X).
- Throw the NUT to receive the MEDALLION (Y).
- Walk down.

- Place the MEDALLION (Z), turn it and take PUZZLE PIECES 3/3 (A).
- Go forward.

- Place the PUZZLE PIECES for a mini-game (B).
- Casual solution (C): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
- The Hard level is random.
- Take the BRONZE SHIELD (D).
- Walk down twice.

- Place the BRONZE SHIELD (E); take GEAR 3/3 (F).
- Access the MECHANICAL CHEST, place the GEARS and activate the mechanism (G); take the CHIP (H).
- Go forward and right.

- Place the CHIP for a mini-game (I).
- Solution: 10, 11, 1, 23, 22, 21, 3, 4, 4, 4, 16, 11, 15, 15, 15, 5, 21, 13, 14, 6, 12, 12, 19, 19, 19, 13, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 7, 9, 9, 9, 23, 23, 8, 11, 1, 1, 1, 10, 19, 9, 23, 22, 21.
- Take the GEMS (J).
- Go down and forward.

- Access the Medallion and place the GEMS (K).
- Use the Medallion (L).
- Go forward.
Chapter 4: Grey Hill Street

- Open the bag and take the MILK and BRUSH (M).
- Access the KEY, open the pouch and take the KEY (N).
- Open the door with the KEY (O).
- Go right.

- Talk to Kate’s father and take the VESSEL (P).
- Use the BRUSH and take the LEVER (Q).
- Go down and forward.

- Place the MILK and take the DECORATIONS (R).
- Place the LEVER (S).
- Take STONE BUTTON 1/2 (T).
- Walk down.

- Place the DECORATIONS for a mini-game (U).
- Take STONE BUTTON 2/2 (V).
- Go right.

- Place the STONE BUTTONS, push them in order and take the BUTTON (W).
- Move the book and slide the curved latches aside (X); place the BUTTON (Y), push it and take the TREBLE CLEF (Z).

- Place the TREBLE CLEF for a mini-game (A); use the green-numbered items on the yellow-numbered items.
- Take the BOLTS and DRAWING (B).
- Walk down.

- Place the BOLTS and move each panel; take the DYNAMITE (C).
- Go forward.
- Place the DYNAMITE and use the MATCHES (D).
- Go forward.

- Open the jar and take the ROPE and SCYTHE (E).
- Go forward.

- Attach the ROPE and take the ROPE WITH HOOK (F).
- Open the drawer and take the COUNTERBALANCE (G).
- Go upstairs.

- Hang the COUNTERBALANCE, pull both levers and play the HOP to receive an ARROW (H).
- Walk down twice.
- Place the ARROW, shoot it and take the GEMS (I).
- Go forward twice.

- Access the Medallion and place the GEMS (J).
- Use the Medallion (K).
- Take the STICK and WHEEL; use the ROPE WITH HOOK, open the box and take the BOOK (L).
- Use the SCYTHE and take DISK 1/2 (M).
- Walk down.

- Place the WHEEL (N).
- Move the cabinet with the STICK (O).
- Move the boards and take the ROD (P).
- Walk down.

- Place the ROD, pull it and take the AXE (Q).
- Go forward twice.
- Use the AXE (R).
- Go left.

- Talk to Diva’s brother (S).
- Talk to your friend (T).
- Open the cabinet.
- Place the BOOK, put the books in numerical order and take the KEYS (U).
- Walk down twice.

- Open the drawer with the KEYS; take the FACE OF LION (V).
- Walk forward.
- Place the FACE OF LION for a mini-game (W).
- Solution: 10, 12, 2, 3, 3, 8, 6, 5, 12, 10, 8, 7, 10, 12, 11.
- Take the BOOK KEY (X).
- Go left.

- Place the BOOK KEY (Y); take the PAPER (Z).
- Place the PAPER for a mini-game (A).
- Solution: 1, 11, 12, 8, 9, 2, 3, 7, 4, 9, 5, 10, 6, 11, 4, 2, 8, 7, 12, 5, 6, 3.
- Take the LIST OF POEMS; open the drawer and take the BUTTONS (B).
- Walk down.

- Play the HOP to receive a HOSE (C).
- Walk down twice.
- Place the BUTTONS, push them in numerical order and take DISK 2/2 (D).
- Walk forward.

- Place the DISKS for a mini-game.
- Solution: Ex2-Fx3-G.
- Go forward.
Chapter 5: Happy Thoughts

- Play the HOP to receive TUMBLER 1/3 (H).
- Go forward.
- Take the STAVE (I).
- Attach the HOSE, turn the valve and take TUMBLER 2/3 (J).
- Go right.

- Take the HANDLE (K).
- Walk down twice.

- Use the STAVE, open the bag and take the BELT and BAG (L).
- Place the HANDLE, push it and take BUST SHARD 1/2 (M).
- Go forward.

- Use the BAG and take TUMBLER 3/3 (N).
- Use the BELT and take the STONE TILE (O).
- Go right.

- Place the TUMBLERS and enter 7394; take the BRUSH (P).
- Place the BRUSH for a mini-game (Q).
- Take the PICTURE and KEY 1/3 (R).
- Walk down twice.

- Play the HOP to receive the GLUE (S).
- Place the STONE TILE for a mini-game (T).
- Take BUST SHARD 2/2 and the BURNER (U).
- Go forward and right.

- Place the GLUE and BUST SHARDS; put the bust back together, put the brush in the glue, glue the bust and take the BUST (V).
- Place the BURNER, put the lump of paint on it and switch it on; take KEY 2/3 (W).
- Walk down twice.

- Place the BUST and move the busts according to the clue (X); take KEY 3/3 (Y).
- Go forward.

- Place the KEYS for a mini-game (Z).
- Go down the hatch.

- Play the HOP to receive a FILE (A).
- Use the FILE to receive a PIPE; take the VALVE (B).
- Go forward.

- Use the PIPE and take METAL FIGURES 1/2 and the GOBLET (C).
- Walk down.
- Play the HOP to receive the VALVE HOUSING (D).

- Access the VALVE HOUSING and attach the VALVE to it; take the BARREL SPIGOT (E).
- Place the BARREL SPIGOT and the GOBLET, turn the tap and take the GLASS OF WINE (F).
- Place the GLASS OF WINE, open the panel and take METAL FIGURES 2/2 (G).
- Go forward.

- Place the METAL FIGURES and select the three gold ones (H); take the BANNER (I).
- Walk down.

- Place the BANNER for a mini-game (J).
- Take the STONES (K).
- Walk forward.

- Access the Medallion and place the STONES (L).
- Use the Medallion (M).
- Take the STONES and LEVER (N).
- Go forward.

- Talk to Diva’s brother (O).
- Take the RING (P).

- Place the LEVER and pull it (Q).
- Take the CASE (R).

- Access the CASE, place the RING and restore the image (S); take the STONES (T).
- Access the Medallion and place the two sets of STONES (U).
- Use the Medallion (V).

- Access the VESSEL, select the DRAWING and add the elements that light up (W); repeat with the LIST OF POEMS (X) and the PICTURE (Y) to receive the POTION.
- Use the POTION (Z).
- Congratulations, you’ve completed Maestro: Dark Talent!