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Teach or Blame Freshman, Are You a Skillful Player to Play Swtor Fallen Empire?

Are you a hard-core Swtor playe? Have you ever been blamed when you were at low level and didn't know how to play flashpoints well? It seems that elitism is common in pretty much any game with a multiplayer aspect. So you may teach someone as a stronger, or be blamed as a freshman. Either way, buy swtor credits on cheap Swtor2credits, success is often not that far away. you can buy cheapest swtor credits on swtor2credits. we will provide best service for you.

Reason why freshmen are blamed in swtor

As we always see, elitism is common in pretty much any game with a multiplayer aspect. For some reasons, being skillful in video games boosts a person's ego more than is deserved, while new players who don't know how to play or not so good at the content will always be blamed. So what is the reason for this situation? Recently, there are hot discussions among swtor community about this issue. To summary, it is nothing but xp or rewards pursuing in mmo game. For many skillful players, this game means everything to them so they have no patience for freshmen who drag on the group. Swtor flashpoints are co-operative and a bad player's performance directly affects other players' experience.

Teach new players would benefit the community

Although it is understandable that players don't want to waste time on bad gameplay experience, game should be more fun and "easy going" and the community should be less hard on each other in game. As someone said on swtor forum, it doesn't take much to help and teach new players, but it benefits the community in a MMO game. So will you choose to be a teacher if you come across a freshman when Knights of the Fallen Empire releases? Of course, new players should also take effort to improve themselves and make a better performance. On this occasion, cheap swtor credits with 5% bonus on Swtor2credits would help a lot.

Solo-mode flashpoints in Fallen Empire make game easier

There is no way to avoid strength and level gaps from different players who team up as a group. Thus, new players who haven't reached max level may be nervous and anxious to join and ops group with worry of being singled out and scrutinized. Fortunately, the solo-mode flashpoints make swtor more playable. With the coming of Knights of the Fallen Empire comes, players will get solo-mode flashpoints that designed for one player and their companion, in which the character will be downgraded to the level of the FP to ensure that players can experience the content on intended level. With this new mode, solo players can do what they want to do without waiting for queue, while new players can make full experience without fearing to be blamed.

With the new expansion approaching, players, no matter skillful or fresh will all have a chance of getting interesting contents and gaining speculate gameplay experience. So what are you waiting for? Just buy swtor credits us cheap on swtor2credits to be ready. Being a stronger is the best way to avoid being blamed!

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