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Uncharted 3 Walkthrough Chapter 18 - The Rub al Khali

In the last chapter, the supply plane Nate was in was set aflames and went crashing into the ground, as Nate got sucked out and is now falling down towards the ground with no parachute on him.

Glide towards the crate thats falling near you. It has a parachute. Pull tap green triangle to pull the parachute cord. Hold on to the net.

The crate will crash into the ground. Head to the wreckage and see what you can find. Maybe some water.

You arrive at the wreckage. Not much left. A hand  sticks out from the sand, as well as an assualt rifle. If this scene looks familiar, it is because thats the picture from the opening credits.

Grab the gun.

There's not much left of the plane.

The desert looks big and endless. Here we go...

Start making your way through the desert. You need to find water desperately. Head towards what looks like a well. Raise the bucket by tapping triangle. Unfortunately, the well is empty. Nate is not happy.

Keep stumbling along the desert. You are getting pretty weak. It is getting dark.

It is morning again. You see a figure in the horizon. It's Sully! He waves to you. You also see an Oasis to your right. Just keep going. It will disappear and you will see the well you saw earlier. You have been going in circles!

Walk towards the red rock and rest in its shadow.

Its getting dark again. You can't lay down, or you fear you will never get up again.

Eventually the heat and thirst overcomes you and you collapse.

Wake up. See Sully standing above you. Give him your hand and he will help you get up. He disappears.

Go past the broken wagon.

On the other side of the dune, you see a village! You pray that is isn't one of your mirages again.

Walk towards the settlement.