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Uncharted 3 Walkthrough Chapter 19 - The Settlement

In the last chapter, having jumped out of the burning airplane, Nate found himself wandering aimlessly in the massive Rub' Al Khali desert. With no water and not a soul in sight, things seemed hopeless. But then he suddenly sees a village.

As you approach a village, you realize it is a ghost down. But at least it is real and not a mirage.  You have to find some water.

The main entrance to this abandoned settlement is blocked. So you have to find another way. Go around, to your right. Climb a ladder and how through the wall. The floor will collapse below you. Drop down into the well. It will be dry but you will find a little water. But it is undrinkable.

Get out of the well and keep exploring the town. There's gotta be something useful here. Enter a ruined house and barge through a door. Oh uh, trouble outside. Both you and the thugs are surprised to see each other. What the hell are Marlowe's men doing here? You need to get a gun urgently. A major battle begins in the village streets.

Knock out the nearest thug and get his M9. Take cover behind a  wall or pillar and start killing the enemies. the SAS - 12 one of them drops can also be useful. An assailant approaches you. Grapple with him, steal his grenade, and drop it near him as you move away.

Get rid of the sniper on the roof. He has body armor, so shoot some headshots at him.

These men must have been sent to investigate what happened to the plane.

After defeating them, head down some stairs. You will reach an area with a big hole. Shoot the weakened wall below. Nate will slip down and fall. You will be assaulted from above. You are trapped down there. Shoot the wall again to collapse a platform and create a way to climb out. Another wave of enemies will come, and these goons will have riot shields.  Fight them. Go up on the rooftops and deal with more of them.

Keep going through the ruins. Enter through an arch and squeeze into a very narrow corridor. As you emerge into the courtyard, a rocket will be fired at you. This starts another major battle.

Shoot foundations where enemies are standing to make the ceilings collapse on them. Take out the guy with the rocket launcher on the roof. Fight your way towards the armored truck. Grab the RPG-7. Shoot the bridge below the truck. Keep moving past it as it crashes into the ground.

As you approach a wall, an enemy surprises you from below and pulls you down to the ground. Fight him in melee.

Snipers will begin shooting at you from the rooftop. There are too many of them, the battle looks hopeless for you.

Suddenly some horsemen appear. Fire ceases for a moment. It looks like they are about to shoot you, but instead one of them gets you on his horse and you start galloping out.

A sniper will kill the bandit who was controlling the horse. So now you are in control of it. You have to get the hell out of here. Ride the horse through the streets. Jump the obstacle. Gallop past the ruined track and through enemy fire. You can shoot the assailants from the horse. Use the RPG to blow open the gate and go through.

Talk to Salim who is the Sheikh of the tribe. Ask him why he spared you. He says that even enemies must be fed and sheltered. Tell him you need a horse. He asks you if you plan to attack the English caravan alone. You are surprised he knows about them. His scouts have been tracking them for two days. You tell Salim they are looking for the lost city of Ubar, Iram of the Pillars. Theyve taken Sully hostage since he is the only one who knows the way. And once they find Iram, they'll kill him.

Salim tells you that if they find Iram then you are all dead. Three thousand years ago, King Solomon commanded the power of the Djinn. Demons, born of smokeless fire. Until they rebelled. He imprisoned them in a vessel of brass and cast it onto the depths of the city. Iram became a place of evil, cursed by the tormented spirits of the Djinn. The English must not reach the city. If they unleash the power of Djinn...

You don't have much time. But you cannot attack them in the open since you are outnumbered. Instead you will attack them in the morning, when they reach the canyon. You ride at dawn.