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Uncharted 3 Walkthrough Chapter 20 - Caravan

In the last chapter, Nate discovered an abandoned settlement in the Rub Al Khali desert, and was attacked by Marlowe's men as he entered it in search of water. But he was rescued by some horsemen who have a common goal in stopping Marlowe before she reaches Iram and unleashes the power of the Djinn. You plan to attack at dawn, while her convoy is passing through a canyon.

As the sun rises, you and Salim are riding in the desert. He will lead you to the canyon. Stay close to him. You will reach a  narrow pass, and the convoy should not be far from it. Once you emerge from the  passage you will see the caravan. Follow it on the side. Don't shoot yet as the caravan is too far away. Salim knows a shortcut, stay with him. Now is your chance, let's go!

Approach the trucks. Get on them and take the guys out. You do the left truck while Salim does the right. Sully is probably in the front of the convoy.

Watch our for bandits on motorcycles as they are the most dangerous. Motorcycles should be your top priority and should be eliminated first. You have to get to the lead truck, where you believe Victor Sullivan is in.

You will now encounter heavy machine gun fire from one of the trucks in the front. Ride behind a truck with a guy carrying an RPG launcher, neutralize him and grab the launcher, and shoot it at the truck that's armed with the machine gun and blow it up. Use rocket launcher to blow up yet another truck.

Your own truck will be on fire now, so jump back to the horse.

Keep taking out guys on bikes as soon as they see them.

Go through the canyon. you MUST get to the lead vehicle.

 A brute will  jump on you knocking you off the horse, but then he gets ridden over by one of his own trucks going at high speed.

Salim gets you up on his horse. You two keep riding towards the convoy. Locate your horse and jump back onto it.

Keep riding towards the lead vehicles. Enemies will be shooting at you from the back of trucks, neutralize them as you advance.

You are almost to the front.

Start riding towards the truck with the crane, and shout for sully. The lead truck is protected by several armored cars. One of the bandits will lean out of one of those cars and is about to shoot you, but Sully kicks him out from inside. He escapes the armored truck and jumps onto the big truck. Jump onto that truck as well and help him get rid of the attacker. Sully will fall off the side of the truck, hold his arm until Salim comes and grabs him. Fight the brute on the truck in melee.

As he lifts and strangles Nate, grab onto the crane and kick him out of the truck. The crane will start turning. Jump onto your horse before the crane is destroyed and the truck falls over the cliff.

Finally reunite with Sully. Get back on the horse and keep riding. Ride into the sandstorm. You will lose sight of Salim at this point. Disembark from the horse and continue on foot.

You will see the convoy.

Use some stealth to sneak on one of the guards behind the truck and grab his T-Bolt Sniper. kill the remaining opponents.Grab a G-mal and Pak 80 as well as an M9. But this can't be the whole convoy. There's not enough of them. They must have been separated in the storm.

Keep pushing your way forward along the ruins. There will be a major battle here. Visibility is really low because of the sand storm so sometimes it is hard to see the exact location from which you are getting shot at.

Keep moving and you will encounter the rest of the convoy. Grab the Tau Sniper and RPG and take those trucks out using the rocket launcher. Keep pushing through the ruins shooting any additional enemies you encounter.

Make a run for it. Head for the gate and go inside. Climb up some stairs. You will find yourself inside an enormous chamber.

Climb up the ladder. Sully will tell you he managed to swipe your notebook back from Marlowe.

Find a mechanism above that operates the moving buckets. But its stuck. There is another one on the other side. Jump onto the buckets. Sully will make them rise. Jump onto the platform, then to another platform, climb the wall to get to a metal beam. Shimmy to the end of the beam and jump onto the chandelier. then jump onto the second chandelier. Arrive at the switch and activate it. The statues will turn and will open the door. The amazing city of brass will be in front of you.