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Tidying Up The Home With An Xbox 360 Wireless Adapter

There has been a trend over the past decade to move away from wired networks to wireless ones. Most importantly, not being wired in means that people are free to move about as they please instead of being held to a small area, and traditionally, it's easier to hook more users up to a wireless network instead of a wired one. For example, a consumer wired router might support four to six wired connections, but a wireless router might support thirty-two.

Also, the lack of wires is great for improving the tidiness of the area, and it's a big improvement around homes and in cyber cafè(c)s where users can take laptops with them and sit anywhere in the general vicinity. This trend has carried over to next generation consoles, and gamers can pick up an Xbox 360 wireless adapter for these benefits.

Plug In, Install, Game

The Xbox 360 wireless adapter plugs right into the Xbox 360 console, and the firmware will automatically install with little user interaction. Simply choose the wireless network that you're running (make sure that you have a wireless network connection first), and the software will automatically configure itself to your particular network. Within minutes, you'll be playing your favorite games online without actually being wired in, and you'll enjoy the added tidiness that a lack of wires brings.

Other benefits of an Xbox 360 wireless adapter include being able to position your Xbox 360 console far away from your router, so if your router is upstairs and your console is downstairs with the television, you can still connect to the Internet and log into Xbox Live, Microsoft's online service for gamers and setting up matches. If you've ever plugged a mouse or keyboard into your computer, you know how easy it is to plug in the Xbox 360 wireless adapter. No ripping your console apart and installing hardware the old fashioned way - just plug the adapter into a USB drive and you're set to go.

With the ability to set up your console anywhere in the house without having to first worry about where your wireless router is, the Xbox 360 wireless adapter is worth it right there unless your router is already right next to your console. However, a lack of wires also makes your house tidier with less of a chance of tripping over the cables, and many people simply prefer how much cleaner no wires makes their house look. Installation is a snap, and in a few minutes, you'll be gaming online.