I dabbled with Shadow Warrior on PC last year, but didn't do much with it other than test out a mid-range graphics card – dull story, I know. Now it's on its way to PS4, I've been playing through the early stages, and well, it's great fun. It's got that classic PC game feel to it, the kind of which seemed lost between copies of Serious Sam and SiN. More thoughts soon.
I am a 28-year old man and this is what I do on my Friday nights. Call me?
Both of the games I've been playing recently are attempts by their creators to return to glories past. The Evil Within does so sporadically, but PES isn't quite there yet: the slightly too long delay after pressing pass is threatening to undermine what is a very good football game. Let's hope that it gets fixed for the retail release, huh? Or else.
I’ve been playing The Pre-Sequel for review in the VG offices this week, and to my surprise, I’m actually having a lot of fun. I’ve not been a massive fan of the Borderlands series in the past, but the new moon-based combat has hit the spot. The Aussie accent has also helped, seeing as the bad guys now speak the dialect of former Bad Guy Island.
The run-shoot-loot-rinse-repeat mechanic is great in short bursts, but can wear thin after a few hours, and the fact I barely tolerate people at the best of times means co-op play is often avoided. That said, the characters inhabiting this oxygen-deprived wasteland are certainly keeping me entertained.
We’ll have a review for you guys early next week, so stay tuned.