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The Development Of Chinese Online Game Industry Has Five Trends

Along with the changing commercial environment, the various segments of China's online games industry is also changing correspondingly, this change presented in the online gaming industry's business model and the product itself. As the depth of grasp of user needs and related technologies continue to mature, the development of China's online game industry has five trends.

1. Free model will become the main charging model.
Free model is primarily through the sale of virtual items or value-added services to tap the potential of the user's consumption and thus more revenue. At present, free of charge model has gradually been recognized by customers, the traditional models of payment has been seriously challenged and gradually become weaker.

2. Cross-sector co-operation will become the new business model of online games.
Cross-sector cooperation could be the influence of online games into real economic benefits, but also find an effective marketing channel for the traditional enterprise brand and accelerate their transformation. The advertisement cooperation of Coca-cola and World of Warcraft in the joint can be described as the most successful cases.

3. Casual gaming will expand its market share.
The most successful MMORPG World of Warcraft, the momentum is still strong, domestic MMORPG Journey is also very successful. Now, a lot of casual online games have attracted a lot of players. Compared with continuously invest time and effort to improve levels of MMORPG, casual online games is undoubtedly more in line with the demands of health-oriented online games, on behalf of the green online games.

4. Self-developed online games will become the mainstream of the online games.
With the rapid development of the online game industry, foreign game developers become increasingly aware of the huge potential of China's online game market, thereby greatly enhance online games. Accompanied by is a series of disputes between domestic online game operators with foreign game developers. Thus, self-developed online games are more and more.

5. Mobile games will become a new point of profit.
With the continued strengthening of entertainment features, mobile phone has been in existence not only as a mere communication tool. Mobile games developed from the simple stand-alone game to a network game.

A lot of people like to play online games, they can make friends and learn useful knowledge from the games. Also, in the world of online games, people can temporarily forget the unhappy things in the real life.