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Anticipated Nintendo 3DS Coming To 4 Cities

The release is approaching

The time is approaching for the highly anticipated Nintendo 3DS to be distributed in US Cities. The day is coming closer and closer and the 3DS games which will be available are increasing daily to provide hours of game time for all that have one of these new handheld systems.

To a City Near or Far From You

The newest news is that Nintendo will be coming to a City near, or far from you depending on where you live. According to the company, Nintendo will be visiting 4 cities with their prized new product, New York, Chicago, San Francisco, and Los Angeles. These visits will occur from March 30th to April 3rd.

Preview or Postview

A funny thing about this is that the first wave of the game will be available on March 27th. I'm not the big marketing wizard that Nintendo probably has working for them, but it seems like they'd want to show off the highly anticipated Nintendo 3DS before its release to swell the amount of customers even more than what it already is.

Sales will be strong

This really tells me one thing. They are not concerned that any customers will hold back waiting for the answer to the question, "is the anticipated Nintendo 3DS system worth the money?" Apparently there is no more hype needed than already exists for this game system.

In Cities after first release

I was a little disappointed to hear the cities that the game will be shown at, but if they are not going to be in there until after the first release, it's not a big deal.

Preview games

It will allow gamers to see the games available, to know which ones they want to purchase. I'm sure these events will be extravaganzas.

Preorder if you don't live close

I'd say it is a problem that it will only be in 4 cities which are large cities and will hit a large population at once, but there is also a large part of the population that is way too far away. So, I would not wait for one of these events to happen in your city and you do not live close to these 4 cities. I would preorder the anticipated Nintendo 3DS and the games you want to have you own personal preview. The highly anticipated Nintendo 3DS will surely sell out quickly.

I am an Affiliate Marketer and have devoted a website for everything associated with the, anticipated nintendo 3DS including the 3DS itself, games, covers, styluses, chargers and any other Nintendo 3DS Supplies you'll need.  Please visit to preorder yours and see what else is available for your game.