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The Fate Of Mass Effect

With April right around the corner hardcore Mass Effect fans are getting ready to find out BioWare’s answer to their loud uproar over the games controversial ending. For Hardcore fans the game’s ending is bad they felt the need to file complaints for false advertising. They even went so far as to send over 400 cupcakes with red, green, and blue icing to represent the games ending, to Bioware’s main office.

For the game’s ending Commander Shepard has to choose between three fates. One, he can control over the Reapers and all synthetic life. Two, destroy the Reapers and all synthetic life. Three, merge all organic and synthetic life. The following cut scene shows the same video regardless of your choice with a little variation, mainly the color of the beam.

Dr. Ray Muzyka, (BioWare Co-Founder) in his super-long letter to the BioWare community, said a little "clarity" will be added to the trilogy's ending.

Now thanks to some creative fans, Bioware may have a way to make all of this play in their favor. It’s called the Indoctrination Theory. This little theory claims that the games original endings are all dreams. During this dream you are fighting the Reapers for control of your mind. According to this theory the only correct choice was to destroy the Reapers and thus fight off indoctrination. So pretty much the whole ending was way over everyone heads.

The question is what does this say to the future of gaming. If Bioware does change the ending all together, then fans have forced a company to change game content post release. That’s like telling an author to change the ending to a masterpiece because a few readers are unhappy. If the Indoctrination Theory is true then Bioware will have to release new DLC (Down Loadable Content) soon to placate the masses. Then there is also the question should fans have to pay for Bioware’s mistake. If we do have to pay for new DLC to get the real ending, Bioware is going to have a whole lot more unhappy fans. Some of the hardcore fan are going to refuse to pa, and will go on youtube to watch the ending at no cost.

Hopefully soon Bioware will beable to answer all these questions and more in the upcoming letter to fans. They are walking a fine line. With there soon to be released DLC action figures, this ending issue can make or break Bioware.