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Why Do Good Games Go Unnoticed?

Ever wondered why you end up playing your favorite game alone? Or.. Whenever you talk about it, people have never heard of the game at all? Well that's mostly because these types of games have gone unnoticed..As it is known, there are many types of gamers out there in the world today. For the sake of being simple, there are hard-core gamers and then there are casual gamers. The Hardcore gamers are the ones that dedicate an EXTREME amount of time to master the game, get the best gear, and overall.. to become the best that they can. Casual gamers? well...they just play to have fun and nothing more.

One must wonder, what does any of this have to do with Good games going unnoticed? it Actually has alot of significance. You see, Hardcore gamers are "somewhat" open-minded to other genres of games. They will play it and tell their friends (who are normally casuals), and then they may play it or not..pending on how the small presentation is presented to them.

One small example: "Well This game is awesome because you can jump around and shoot people, and it feels so good." Based on how it is presented, will determine if the game is bought or not. Now if you had a more refined explanation and truly broke it down in detail but still manage to keep it simple, then it should be something like "Well this game is well put together for the nice single player campaign and the deep multiplayer. Even if you are not for the multiplayer, the single player offers a great deal of content to warrant buying this game." Of course, in a practical environment.. no one is going to be using all those big words to describe buying a game (at least I wouldn't)

Another reason why good games go unnoticed is due to the fact of interest. There are alot of selection when it comes to games now and days, so it becomes difficult to stand out. The box art of a video game determines if it is even worth the look or not. In this economy, money also plays a factor along with that interest. For example, if you have 60 bucks.. and you want to buy a game, you are most likely going to get the game that everyone has been talking about. Why? because there is alot of interest (a fan base) opposed to this other game that may look cool and fun to you, but don't want to risk being disappointed . It's rather sad to see all those man-hours and hard work to make a GOOD game... versus a game with re-hashed crap that we purchase on a yearly bases like it's a sports game *cough* Call Of Duty *cough*

My personal opinion on why good games go unnoticed:

It really goes on what their friends are playing, and less about what they are actually interested in. Too many times I've spoken to friends to just buy the game because "oh well my friends play it" and then force themselves to like it. I have a few games that people never even heard of (apart from my real gaming friends) because it is not Call of Duty or some Sports Game. My only wish is that people would give these unnoticed games the recognition that they deserve. For now it feels like a pipe dream, but hopefully it will become a reality.