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What Is The Best Video Game Console ?

When it comes to game console for me the first that come to mind is

Xbox 360 then the Play station console all 4 of them , the WII from Nintendo ,


But witch one is the best video game console out there .the game console list

is long but there are only a few that really stands out .The Xbox 360 is a

great one even though they had trouble with it when they hit the market , Play

station Consoles are favored by a lot of gamer , witch one is best for you is

really up to you . If we talk about hand-held console the WII from Nintendo

seem to be way up there in the consumers appreciation .

What was the first video game invented ?

Well The earliest known interactive electronic game was made by Thomas T. Goldsmith

Jr. and Estle Ray Mann on a cathode ray tube. The patent was filed on January

25, 1947 and issued on December 14, 1948. The game was a missile simulator

inspired by radar displays from World War II.

Alexander S. Douglas made the first computer game to use an electronic

graphical display. OXO, also known as Noughts and Crosses,In 1951, it is a

version of tic-tac-toe , made for a one tone computer named Electronic Delay

Storage Automatic Calculator (EDSAC) and was build in England and ran its first programs on the 6th of May 1949.

Game have come a long way since then and they can be play on a one pound

hand-held machine that has more power and a much better display then its one

tone ancestor .

The first video game consoles was build in 1972 ,the Magnavox Odyssey took four year to build and was code named "The Brown Box" and lasted until 1977. Remember the tennis video game two paddles one net one ball.

That was more than thirty years ago now video games graphics have a more realistic feel.

Some game console uses the Human body as a controller , using a camera working in

tandem with a motion detector to make people more active when playing the game

.It is a good idea I think .It help burn calories while playing a video game

and also control the amount of time played because we do have a tendency to over

do it , when it comes to play video games .

Video game will continue to evolve in design and complexity of course and so will the game consoles it'll be interesting to know where it will go from here.

well that's it for now .I hope you liked this little post .

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